Are overhead squats a meme as a squat accessory?

Are overhead squats a meme as a squat accessory?

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i would do them if i had to do snatches. But I tried overhead squats once, its fuckin hard.

Yes. Overhead squats are primarily a shoulder exercise.

You're going to be using so little weight that it's really not going to have much carry over to squat. They're only useful as a snatch accessory

They're an accessory for olympic lifters only.

They're more of a balance exercise than a strength exercise. Also it's really easy to fuck up your shoulders if you do them incorrectly.

How so?

Not him, I wouldn't call them a shoulder exercise, but you're limited by how much you can hold over your head which is not enough stimulus for your glutes and quads.

OP here. Fuck off reddit niggers and give me some real answers. Also samefag

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Oh I agree that it's not a great leg exercise. But I didn't see how it was "primarily a shoulder exercise" since you aren't pressing it up.

You still have to hold and stabilize it which is probably just as or more difficult than the actual squatting.

Stfu, where's that webm of that mf snaping his shit with this meme ass exercise?

It’s meh
Do squats
Do ohp
Once a month do that meme crap. Your delts might feel some tension and subsequent minor doms cause you strain them in a way you never do. As other anons said your shoulders are the weakest link. But you won’t see any difference if you do lateral raises with dumbbells and ohp (with w/e)

you have to get the bar overhead, so arms and shoulders are involved with that. the rest is just shoulder stability and core work, which will fatigue way before your legs will. theres no reason to do them to help squats, and most oly lifters im aware of do snatch balances instead since theyre lifts are more dynamic. the chinese might be doing them more because they do those squat jerks

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They are worthless unless you intent on having a good snatch. They are not good shoulder exercises. They are not good let exercises. Your overhead squat will never be dependent on your leg strength. It will be solely dependent on your stability and mobility and thoracic strength through the motion.

I don’t have the shoulder mobility to do them properly or I would just for fun. Looks badass.

Overhead squat is a niche accessory exercise for oly lifting ONLY

Overhead squat is a step of the snatch so it doesn't do anything for squats that don't involve the bar going over your head you retard

Pure memelifts

Yes they're a meme as a squat accesory, but they're certainly not a meme if you're doing them for flexibilty or olympic lifting training.

Thanks guys

Eat my dick, faggot. I’m me not you.

If your primary lifting goal is to dislocate your shoulders than it’s a must.

Overhead squats are a fucking meme. Just do over head good mornings ffs.

If your goal is to squat better then do front squats. I can't do overheat squats but would like to because it shows a lot of mobility and stability. It is mainly for snatches.

They could only possibly be good for anything as a way to train snatch catch and recovery. They will do essentially nothing for your normal squat.

Pretty good bait 8/10

Except being a fantastic core exercise

you tell me...

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You want thots to look at you with lust do overhead squats just because no one does them.

you can do the same just doing other exercises without a belt

I train in my garage. Women are useless distractions from smashing my goals. They’ll only be useful when I want a mother to my children.
Doesn’t a belt actually increase transverse abdominis activation by allowing you to contract harder against the belt?