I made it bros

I made it bros

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You go girl, he's cute ;)

>light up hair shit
>showing shoulders
>at some night place thing

have fun with ur sloot

Making it is hanging out with a female? Please, let's not set the bar so low.

she looks like she was built for something


Yea she has some muscle but still a bit of fat
Is probably a good fighter who I'd love to wrestle with

she definitely wants to wrestle with something

i cant quite put my finger on what it is though

>at some night place thing
Outside in the evening is HARAM!

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who is this boy and why is he so cute?

no u

showing shoulders :O

Have fun living in Saudi Arabia

Good job OP. Very nice.

Good job on making it, bro. Please forgive my forwardness, but you are very handsome. Do you have an onlyfans or insta?

Stop watching porn and stop thinking about BBCs cuck

thats a man

Thanks, only a private insta

Is that Chrischan

>Is that Chrischan
KEK. i knew her (his) hair reminded me of someone

Based tradchad

>In a forest dark we find ourselves
>The voices of 1000 vanquished african american men echoing through the trees
>We come upon our mighty adventurer
>He slogs through the cold mud and icy rain battering him from every direction
>Covered in a mix of human blood and his own seminal fluids
>The jews in their holy synagogues watch and pray with bated breath wringing their hands in anticipation
>Firearm falling to the side and sinking into the mud our hero looks to the dark and gloomy skies
>Suddenly the dreary clouds part ways
>Beams of heavenly light shine down
>A deep voice booms "SPEAK MY CHILD"
>"Dear god who art in heaven" our hero cries out "Guide me! Take my hand! Show me the WAY"
>Off the northern wind a trained ear might just hear a heavy set cuban chuckle deeply
>The one the allfather the truth booms "MY CHILD"

Cope harder

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how did those lightup things feel in your ass bro?

kek, dude you're such a virgin

nobody was talking about black cock, you pathetic coomer

shes cute

good work bro. the final step to making it is to never come back to Yas Forums (unironic)

Good job bro

I'm not gonna lie, user. That there is DEFINITELY something I could see myself attracted to. I don't care if it's a man.

This. This board is unbelievable.
>hai guise! I got to hang out with a real human female!!

A-Are those...female shoulders?!? HHHNNNGGGG I'M GONNA...I-I-I'M GONNA COOM!!!!