Bodyfat estimate thread

What do you think is my fat%

Current stats:
174cm / 5'9
75kg / 165lb

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Plan is to get to around 10-15% in 9 weeks, you think that is realistic?

Accurate reading: impossible to know from pic

But eyeballing it I'd say around 19-20%

atleast 18%

Lets say it's 20%. You think its possible to go from 20 to 10 in 8-9 weeks?

Yes, but it's gonna be hard.

Low carb - High protein diet with lifting (try your best to maintain your lift weights) and some cardio.

Fasting and IF might help, ive been doing IF and seeing noticeable weight loss.

9 weeks? at least a year to achieve 12%

What kind of retarded diet are you on? Pepsi and big mac ?

Just stop fucking eating for once (Fasting) and your bdf drops like crazy.


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Yoo Duudee is that an Honor 20. Btw your bodyfat% is 20. See what I did there buddy 8-)

Bulk, if u want abs you're going to look skinny asf bro

People are in denial about their mass, honestly bro u have zero muscle

around 18-20% I think

no thank you brah, I will NEVER bulk again. Trying to go around 10-12% and roll all year round with that, lean gains bitch


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20, why is everyone 20

Repost from another thread. Same stats as OP.

How did you get there? I wanna be like that.

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Everyone underestimates bf% like crazy. Add 5% to whatever you think you are and whatever anyone in this thread says.

Youre nuts if you think the guys in this thread are 25% bf

6'3 197

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Be like what


I wanna have a body like that.

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According to waist measurements vs. weight on online calculators I should only be like 20% bf, but seeing these guys say 19% I'm not sure if internet calculators are accurate.

Lift then

5'11 and 204 pounds (started the year at 230)

how much more weight until I'm aesthetic?

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Estimate? 5'10 158lbs

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Somebody pls

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somewhere between 18-20% bf

you don't have a lot of muscle dude