Veganism is healthy

>Veganism is healthy

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i dont understand this post

what am i looking at?

Game changers yes/no ? There is a debink of a debunk of a debunk of a debunk of a debunk of this movie, how it is possible if science is settled?

>cgi costume is real

He's back where he was before the rolebulk.

Good documentary. Helps you see through the myth that meat is required for athletic performance.

The (((media))) tell us to consume meat because it is “manly”, like how they say drinking shit tons of beer makes you tough, or how they used to say smoking was sexy.

There’s of course some blue pilled defenders of meat here (because it is part of their identity) but these are ham planets who get breathless climbing stairs and never post body so kek.

The media tells you that meat gives you cancer and heart disease, retard.

The media literally tells you 2 different things simultaneously. I work in a big city, none of the liberals npcs would every give up meat.

90% of poeple do not listen to the media or any other outside source when it comes to choosing and eating meat.

People eat meat, and other animal products because it is necessary if you want to have a complete diet to fulfill a human beings basic nutritional needs.

It also tastes great and can be used to create interesting dishes.

He is vegan

All the athletes in that documentary had worse performance after switching to veganism. Not one of them improved

> Animal products featured in 25% of advertisements
> Constantly pushing the message that meat is masculine
> Animal agriculture subsidized to hell and back (damn welfare queens)
> Biggest lobby groups are big pharmaceutical (who get rich treating meat induced conditions)
Sure, the media are the anti meat ones.

Tell me again, how many sports franchises are sponsored by the college of cardiologists and big broccoli?

lurk moar faggot

No one is talking about his body, look how different his face is, look how his eyes are drooping, he looks like a crack addict now

and? what's wrong with him in the pic? An upperbody pic and an awkward angle of his neck.

Ah yes, the onions beard

He can't get fresh child blood in the quarantine

Of the athletes who featured off the top of my head:
> Danzig became vegan prior to becoming a champion in the UFC
> Patrick whatever was vegan for many years before setting the log lift record
> Dotsie(?) Bausch only gained her Olympic medal in cycling after becoming vegan
> Lewis Hamilton began winning more formula one Grand Prix after turning vegan
> The Titans defensive team became one of the best in the league after going plant based

science on nutrition is very much not settled

All documentaries, other than David Attenborough’s, are just trying to push an agenda. They never tell the whole story because it either doesn’t fit their agenda or because it’s boring and doesn’t sell. Documentaries are gay, except for Attenborough, he’s cool.

what a dumb fucking post


Vegan = bad

>yeah bro just forget the huge push towards so.y by/products and vegetable oils in almost every industrialized food including meat bro

> soi increases market share by 1% while the country is eating more and more animal products than ever before
> oooooh noooo the vegans control the media

Mac Danzig was never champion in ufc. Not even cloooooose.

Based. Faux masculinity needs to die

he is nigger

This is Chadwick Boseman like we've never seen him.

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Is eating ass vegan?