He thinks gyms will reopen before 2021

>he thinks gyms will reopen before 2021

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The gym as we know it is dead. You will now be assigned a workout time window and have to pay additional to change it to one more accommodating. Home gym master race will continue to grow

going full calisthenics/cardio now to hit ultra ottermode

Bro my gym is 24/7 and has been open this whole time

>he thinks im going back to the gym when coronavirus is over

lol taking time away from the gym has made me realize how much I dont need it, 8 years i spent lifting, for very little improvement to my life, diminishing returns after the first 1-2 years make it not even worth it

Just doing light dumbbell work at home now for upper body and doing cardio for legs & health, no more min-maxing the gym for me.

I feel the same way. I’ve had a Parabody all in one machine with a 200lb weight stack in my basement for years that i never used because i thought machines were useless. Enter coronavirus, i’ve been using this thing for 6 weeks along with aggressive bicycling and realized this is good enough for me.

Any gym is open if you break in


God forbid. But it would actually make gyms rich, even moreso than now

Only applies to communist shitholes

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>he thinks gyms will reopen

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This. Feels good to have free money and the best healthcare in the world

My gym reopened on Friday

you delete this right now motherfucker this shit isn't funny

I don't give a fuck about social distancing because I've already been sick and recovered

mine might open next month IF and only IF nothing goes wrong and only then with harsh social distancing rules which i dont give a fuck about anyway since i always go to the gym late at night when no one else is there

That guy looks jewish as fuck

>gyms finally reopen
>all doors now have a scanner so you can only enter by scanning the microchip in your hand

Ready to take the microchip-pill?

Attached: Bill-Gates-2011.jpg (1182x1600, 140.36K)

>free money
>best healthcare in the world
Pick neither. You dumbasses clap your hands when you get a one-time taste of literal government handouts, but then decry any attempt to reform our shit-tier healthcare system as "socialist". I don't understand it. At least be consistent?

Nothing is free. Those handouts comes at a price.

>Nothing is free.
Really? When I see how much taxes companies pay I really wonder about that.

How else am I going to get a 5G connection at my home?

it is over


Enjoy your ass cancer

Stage 1 of the american government reopen plan


>assblasted user talking about ass cancer


yeah and that price is paid by rich jew tax money

dont bother trying to reason with republican retards. they vote against their own self-interests. rally against socialism, government welfare handout leeches, the national debt, universal basic income, and the government getting too involved in peoples' lives, then deify daddy trump because he gives them all $1,200 and has trillions printed out of thin air

similar to their classic pro-life arguments where they desperately do anything they can to protect a fetus and make sure it gets born and be vehemently anti-abortion, but then do everything humanly possible to remove as much welfare and assistance as possible from the child and the usually terrible situation it is born into that made the mother contemplate an abortion to begin with, causing it to live a terrible life and propagate the bad lifestyle themselves. and not to mention wanting to strip as many healthcare and social security benefits as possible away from the elderly who are the main voting block for republicans, more anti-life practices by the pro-life party

but at least they are owning the libs

cope, go back to /r/politics