Gf has body like this, how to fix?

gf has body like this, how to fix?

Attached: 1587074402202.jpg (1498x2153, 797.75K)

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Date someone youre attracted to

>fat and no boobs
What's the point?

by posting the source

fuck her, I bet your dick is so small it counts as antimatter and will make her weigh less

found it on Yas Forums, those nigga don't give source ever sadly
my dick is above average so no the anti matter sex won't work
I am attracted to her

your dick is above average in smallness if anything

why are u so salty about me worrying about my gf's health?

>I am attracted to her
Then what are you trying to fix?

try putting some salt on your dick, if she can't enjoy the size she might as well have something tasty


If they get this bad it’s usually over unfortunately. You could try to help her manage her diet and add some exercise and she how she reacts. Expect her to react badly however.

Yup. Many such cases. Sad!

>Expect her to react badly however.
that is to be expected from femoids exercising in any form

keep winning user, you got his ass

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Nah you’d be surprised with some. If they are already skinny they tend to take to it better. Fat fucks like OPs gf won’t do it because it’s “embarrassing” and she just “doesn’t feel cute doing it”.

being fat shouldn't feel cute either

It’s just cope.

This will push your relationship to the breaking point, but you just need to have a serious and honest conversation with her about your concerns. If it turns out badly and ends your relationship, I think that's ultimately a good thing as itll present far worse tragedy down the road


I used to hate fatties but browsing Yas Forums changed me bros.

Attached: 1567074628522.jpg (1242x812, 205.94K)

throw that pig back in the sty you found her in and start fucking dogs or horses instead

You happen to be in luck, it just so happens I'm an occasional visitor of a fat fetish forum that has anime nerds in it.

Wouldn't be able to tell you the name of the artist but I do know he recently went "legit" (as in stopped doing exclusively fa material)

4000 CC implants, later upgraded to 8000.

Attached: dd2rmuv-fbbe8f1d-abc7-429d-8305-c7569d155f88.png (540x1028, 327.9K)


Fix what, user?

How to fix a fatty with small tits. You can't user

Pls do not post that pig Momo here again.
Thank you

Wtf happened?

Attached: D9CBAAE2-3EAD-4758-A45C-B2C4DF35E6A3.jpg (540x960, 37.89K)

Why fix perfection?