Tfw smoked meth

>tfw smoked meth
>tfw fapped 24 times
>tfw been up for 56 hours

Are my gains going to disappear if I keep this up regularly?

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No but your life will

I dont have a life anyway

That's just an extended fast, bro. Get some salt and magnesium in you and you'll be shredded in no time.

Drugs addicts are scum

>snorted meth first time in a long time
>ended up having gay sex with friend that supplied meth
>now feel extremely weird and disgusted
>been up for 2 days too nervous and awkward to even go to the store and buy a pack of smokes

Quit now nigga drugs are the devil and make things weird as fuck

you're going to die if you keep doing that

No he won't I've done it for 12 years now

no. this is a guaranteed way to double your gains. keep it up.

I've just started getting into meth, I love the 3 day fap fests and euphoria

You don't have to ask, you already know the answer, silly goose.

Do you love talking to yourself about weird shit and not realizing that your saying everything out loud in the middle of line at the grocery store and everyone is looking at you like the piece of shit meth head you are?

Why would anyone get into meth? Seriously I wanna know...

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It's way cheaper and more fun than coke and alcohol

Ok I see. What about weed? I'm the kind of guy that's content just smoking weed.

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Smoked weed for 10 years and it got boring

are you the real coomer then?

The thing about meth is it feels so God damn good, you'll never get to experience real pleasure unless you do it for a night

i’m not a meth user but was addicted to amphetamine at one point. i was very into it due to how much energy and focus it gave me, how it made me very social, music sounded great, i felt fucking amazing, etc. but then you realize as you come down that everything sucks and you just borrowed tomorrow’s happiness today.

I'm just too worried about the physical effects of smoking it. I understand most of this comes from sleep deprivation. I'll stick to weed. If I want to do something more intense I got to LSD or usually mushrooms.

From a former amphetamines addict, you should work out everyday, eat a decent amount of food, and never skip a night of sleep.
Make sure that you get shit done everyday so you dont throw your life away

>ruining every aspect of your life to jerk off

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>using a drug to make yourself feel 'good'

i dont see the problem in that

I was a meth addict and ended up catching HIV from unprotected sex. It's not worth it.

>Smoked meth
Degenerate trash

done the fap marathon and have no desire to do it again

been snorting meth with the quarantine going on. it's great and helps me lose weight but i do degenerate things like watch porn for hours straight. overall it's fun if youre responsible but not ideal for the long run

What the fuck is with all the methposting lately?
Yeah, that's cause it basically fries your dopamine receptors, feels so good that nothing will ever compare to it and then boom, life over. Best thing to do is never to try it in the first place. In this case, ignorance really is bliss.

Seriously, anything other than shooting it and you're doing it wrong

I haven't done meth but I relate to these with doing adderall. I scored some for the quarantine but instead of working out, my brain is just like: lets jerk off hours. What better way to spend the time?
Why the fuck do amphetamines do that? Also, it makes me watch some depraved shit that I swore I'd give up.

Buy a guitar and enjoy your performance enhanced shredding gainz

Actually preaching doing drugs disgusting meth even. Do you even know how it is made? Or all the disgusting ingredients it has? Kind if ironic posting on a fitness board while wasting your gains away dont you think

>tfw snorted ritalin last night and pissed myself in front of my dad