Sometimes you must accept there are people who are handed the wrong cards and not amount of positive you can do it...

Sometimes you must accept there are people who are handed the wrong cards and not amount of positive you can do it messages can work out.

Not everyone was meant to made it.

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Should have euthanized him at birth, poor lad never had a chance

>see: danny davito

I’m so glad he specified which one is him.

It becomes exponentially harder for some people to make it than other. So hard that one life time may not be enough.


Trannyism is just jews, leftists and the medical industry taking advantage of the mentally ill and disabled.

Sometimes being so fucking ugly that it's comical can actually get you further than most people, if you have the right personality that is

2 grams of test would do it

How the fuck has he made it? He’s a living joke. All his roles are being a short man or a creepy villain. I swear people don’t think at all

Let's see
>ugly bald manlet
>ugly bald manlet and world famous multi-millionare

I take such failures as a sign that there is real danger in life. In anyone could make it, no matter where they started, why even bother? "I'll just improve myself tomorrow, there will always be hope for me after all!"
Never be complacent. You can fall to his level in a blink of an eye; if you've never prepared for them, financial hardship, addiction, and social abandonment can strip every bit of personality and character out of you.
Start making it today, because there is real danger in gambling on a tomorrow.

I was diagnosed with genetic illness (CF) at 6 months of age when I developed pneumonia. They told my mom I wouldn't make it another 3 months to Christmas. After I turned 15 I was also diagnosed with Crohn's disease.

I turned 28 three weeks ago. I've almost died a number of times and have had more surgeries, pills, and fluids pumped into me than most people can fathom. I may not have a deformed face like him, but I'm among the bottom of the barrel for ability to make it. I've been lifting when I can for the past 6 years, and have no intention of stopping.

Until you're a quadriplegic, there is no excuse.

Kek. Danny Devito is more successful than you will ever be.


This man is going to fucking make it

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Post body

Fellow pneumonia bro
Fuck doctors told me I was gonna die, tried to convince my mom to send me to a special school too haha

He doesn't look that bad, he can be improved. At least he doesn't have the Baldie(tm) look of a beard and shaved head and obsesses with gym to distract himself.
>trendy glasses with thick frames
>little bit more facial hair
>dress well
>hair cut, cut the hair at the side that nobody wants to a zero and let the top grow longer for styling

We can take the rest from there


King, I pray that you make it to spite all those who doubted you.

My body sucks. I readily admit that. When I get sick, I'm sick for months at a time which means no lifting and lost weight. But before this virus thing, I was at my strongest ever. Trying to maintain the little strength through calisthenics now so I can hit the ground running again when the world reopens

Danny Devito is fucking based, get the fuck outta here.

Making it.


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Sorry user, I just don't think it's gonna work.

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Looks better than if he had no hair on the front of his head and also beard looks fake as fuck.
Glasses made a hell of difference

Holy shit he made it

>beard looks fake as fuck
Sorry, I was thinking about going to bed and getting the individual hairs in is time-consuming.

I mean... He's from a 1/10 to a 2/10 now. It's better. He kind of looks like A Friend (anyone remember that faggot?)'s retarded cousin

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I respect the tranny for admitting he's an ugly piece of shit and not a woman.

Yeah but that's pretty extreme. You're talking about 0.01% of the population.

It's very unlikely that you are beyond repair