Resistance bands

With lockdown this might be my only choice. Can you actually get a good fullbody workout with these things?

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Are these a meme? Banded pushups would give you the most resistance right at the end of the motion.

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Band pull aparts and lateral raises for high reps with bands pump my shoulders like nothing else. Pulldowns hanging them on a door are also a good option if you can't do pull ups.

So just the isolation exercises are good? Seems like the compounds are meme. Deads and squats especially.

Attached: resistance-band-deadlift[1].gif (400x400, 3.79M)

This overhead squat doesn't seem too bad

Attached: Classic-One_large[1].gif (480x480, 132.62K)

depends how fit you are already, i have decent mass and they get the job done. it takes some creativity and improvisation at times. plenty of youtube channels giving pointers on how to use them these days

Tie around bottom of desk legs and you basically have a cable machine. Double up, triple, quadruple the bands and you can get it HEAVY. Me? I just like to get pumped and if it takes 35-50 reps that's fine.

Yes; great pump for arms, legs, shoulders, and most every other group I’ve tried.

These with your feet on an elevated surface are fucking brutal. They definitely have a place in your routine.

Good for shoulders?

I'm a complete brainlet. If i pulled all of those bands at the same time, would it only be as heavy as the heaviest band, or would it add them all up?

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Their great for accessory work but I've never felt a Pump after using them alone, most of the bands just dont have enough resistance

your post is bullshit.. if you can't get a pump from them you're using them blaringly wrong. You know they get "heavier" the farther you pull them, right?

You can't get a shoulder pump from doing shoulder raises with a 20 lbs band? No biceps pump from curling a 35 lbs band? Utter shit.

A slight add up but not enough to justify using all of them at once.

We only have 10lb bands at my gym

well that would have been an important detail.
really? my 35 lbs band is a decent unilateral row but i feel like I could get more out of stacking it with my 20 and 15. I guess i'll just try when i have the energy

Here you go.

Bros what brand should I get, I don't want to get fucked over


do the dealift with one leg only
also banded split squats
put 15kg of shit in a backpack too
look it up on youtube you lazy bitch
how many weighted pistol squats can you do?
wedge your feet under something and do glute ham raises on the floor

"35lb band" means little, it changes the longer you stretch it

Basic math. They add up. All combined would be 125 pounds. The heaviest single one is 50 pounds. The other guy that replied to you is retarded.

they probably all have different resistance curves though

t. brainlet who has never picked up a resistance band

I've always wondered about this. Not only is the resistance on a curve, but you anchor it to an immovable object. So what does it mean for resistance at the point where you can't stretch anymore?

I travel a lot and use these, agree with everyone talking about getting the pump with them. Scooby uses them a lot and I cant remember the vid but he did once say he personally thinks pump training is best for hypertrophy.

I've actually noticed they seem to fall into an RPE based program better than any other piece of equipment.

I would generally agree with your statement. The banded deadlifts seems more like a physical therapy exercise. With a really high resistance its a very weird motion too, so be careful with that.

As for squats. I can't say. high rep body weight squats, Jump Squats, and/or hindu squats are good enough for me.

Retard detected
Buy these and re-sell for $15 as "exercise bands".
Thank me later.

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Don't they get "heavier" the farther they stretch? So that the top of the movement has more resistance than the bottom?

Further, how does this interact with the better mechanical leverage that the top of most movements comes with. Would be juicy if it evened out, bit its probably not the case.