/wph/ - Weak People Hate

/fph/ got deleted, let's try something similar

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hmmm, that actually sounds pretty good right now. A big bowl of cereal with a big bowl of weed and some entertainment

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>1 bowl of cereal will kill you
>oh no!
calm down autist

How about we start with you OP.
Why do you need a whole thread full of people you perceive as worse than you so you can feel some sense of superiority?
Just go do your own thing, set your own goals, live your own life. The time you spend thinking about how bad others are detracts from the time you could be spending improving yourself or doing something worthwhile.

To be perfectly honest, hating is one of the weakest motherfuckin things you can possibly do. Imagine being so insecure and weak that you can't even get over yourself....

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weak people remind me of myself and so inspires me to strive to become more

Good thinking user. Bless your soul

My favorite threads

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Looking at weak people isnt motivation its for making your pathetic ass feel superior when it aint.
Looking at stronger people tho, thats motivation right there, nothing like seeing what other people can achieve and hope to acomplish that. Always search for motivation on the best at what they do.

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The founders of McDonald's were catholic lol. Stay mad religious cuck.

That's not cereal. That's a bowl full of candy. Adjust your tastebuds to stuff that has less sugar in it, the granular jew is terrible stuff

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God I love weed
Nothin like a good toke after a workout. Straight-edge fags are missing out

Lift what?

What a silly image. Natural selection doesn't stop just because we're four billion years into it.

This image reminds me of something that happened today:

>have soiboy friend who just smokes pot and plays vidya all day and eats nothing but candy
>5’ and spastic as hell, acts like a dick in a more than bro way, more like an annoying autism kid way
>we find out I accidentally stole his valentines date a few months before we started hanging out (she flaked on a real date with him just to come hang out with me and hookup) and he starts acting 10x more dickish and gets extremely passive aggressive but basically begs me to hang out with him everyday, like says “please” when I say I can’t (until he finally gets his first gf funnily enough)
>I stop hanging out with him because he just uses me for shit he’d never do in return and always has excuses why can’t return the favor
>legit changed this grown mid 20 y/o mans tire on a moments notice at one point because he was stranded even though it was right next to an autoshop and couldn’t figure it out (I had never done it before and figured it out with common sense)
>ffw 6 months later doing way better, no longer hanging around a loser with zero aspirations beyond his next dopamine fix who just talks shit and treats me like shit for no reason despite me being a legit saint of a friend
>today, a mutual friend texts me saying the soiboy friend is pissed and thinks I stole his switch games, he wants to come to my house to I guess search for them as if I’d let him inside
>tell him he knows I didn’t take anything and to fuck off
It’s been 4 hours and he hasn’t pulled up to my house. If he does it’s gonna be either I tell him to fuck off and call the cops if he doesn’t or he gets physical and I either shoot him or I just beat a soiboy more than a full foot shorter than me up, all over gay vidya games I didn’t steal and that I don’t even play anymore

Sorry for the blogpost, needed to vent. It’s just every time I see that image this dude is who I think of. Describes him nearly perfectly

People can get motivation from different sources, bro. settle down.

Always give your best.
Never get discouraged.
Never be petty.
Always remember: others may hate you, but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them; then you destroy yourself.

Don't shoot him. Don't even talk about shooting him. The fact you even thought about shooting him over some dumb autistic nothing is a bad sign for your mental state.

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high quality version

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I would get away with it if I did, stand your ground state, but yeah you’re right. I just legitimately don’t want a thing to do with this faggot and the accusation alone, while funny that half a year later he hits me with that, ticks me off. And it wouldn’t be about the dumb autistic nothing, it would be if he pulled up to my house and got physical when I denied him entry to my house so he could tear it apart searching for gay video games that he likely just misplaced


Still partially true even if this character is a hypocrite

oh man, wait c'mon... you know I didn't.. mean it like that man...

>Fantasizing about shooting someone you view as pitiful and weak
Cringe and faggot pilled

His wife is the oldest brown haired one
The blonde haired one is his son
It's the whole daughters look like mom and boy looks like dad thing because he's a massive dude

Evolution, keep thinking and believing you came from slime, and I will believe that I was created by the one true God.

Evolution and God can easily coexist.

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bruh, god could have easily made humans intelligently by fiddling around with the initial state of the planet and letting evolution do the rest of the work
taking biblical origin stories at complete face value is cringe

Hell yeah bro Allahu akbar