What's the fastest way to achieve 1/2/3/4?

What's the fastest way to achieve 1/2/3/4?

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do a 360 and walk away


Expend the time lifting instead of asking stupid questions.

1/2/3/4 is a retarded goal. The numbers are equivalent in anyway and it is the same as normie fitness memes on Facebook

Weightlifting, especially focusing on deadlift, overhead press, bench press and squat

Starting Strength or similar.
I haven’t even been eating as much as I should as I should and I’ve made great strength gains these past couple of months. If I really focus and go hard I would probably hit 1/2/3/4 in another 2 months.

spend 3 months in a gym


Just hit those lifts twice a week each, slowly increase weight and don't go for high reps. That's it. Don't get disappointed if one of your lifts vastly outweighs the other, everyone is different with how their body behaves to particular lifts. I hit 1/2/3 before hitting a 4pl deadlift, but now deadlifting is my strongest. Sleep, get at least 200gs of protein and 200gs of carbs, drink a gallon of water a day and make sure your calories are hitting 3k.

>especially focusing on bench press

lurk moar

??????????? What's wrong with what I said? If you want to reach 1/2/3/4 then how's doing the four lifts required for it not the best way to achieve it?


Weightlifting is a sport. Snatch and clean.
What you’re talking about is strength training with compound lifts aka powerlifting. The user that replied to you is playing semantics bc he’s a dork

Bloat up. 1/2/3/4 is super easy
2/3/4/5 is when it starts getting serious

eat enough, sleep relatively enough, and get enough frequency and you'll reach it in 6 months to a year, even less for some people

Just be consistent and don't slack off, i am almost there and i started on january, if anything eat and sleep properly

start at 1/2/3/4

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can i save this webm user?

actually retarded

SS + gomad unironically
if you have dogshit genetics and stall you might have to hop on an intermediate program to get there.

Aim to add 5 pounds to the bar every week.

If you fail to add 5 pounds. Skip the lift for the next week and replace it with high volume of something that targets the same muscles. I liked doing weighted dips in place of bench and OHP. Split squat or front squat replaced back squat. Trap bar deadlift or rack pulls replaced deadlift.

The little curveball weeks always worked for me until 3 plate squat and 4 plate dead at which point I had to change my whole program up.

fuck off

Lift every day, prioritize whatever you want, once you reach a goal prioritize something else.

Anything else is a fucking meme.
Lifting is just about priorities.

Any linear progression program. I ran SS and got 1 and 3 in like 5 months and very close to 2. While trying to lose weight no less. Individual results may vary.

Wenning warmups. Then do heavy triples with bench and squats.

Be a giant

go to the gym lol

Lads, when should I try a 2pl8 bench realistically if I'm actively training my 1rep max from time to time by adding 5-7.5kg to my workset weight and doing a 1 rep after my usual sets. My workset are at 80kg and soon 82.5kg.

>tfw 0.66/1.16/1.5/1.66 after 1 year

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