Just go vegan, bro

>just go vegan, bro
>it's much healthier, bro
>i feel excellent, bro

Attached: vegan.jpg (800x450, 47.95K)

Looks like he turned in to a Somalian in the second pic

you mean a weak somalian?

yeah a somalian

the neckpill is real

He was probably completely CGI

yea bro just conform to this shit diet when you cant eat properly to begin with

Its because niggers have terrible genetics for muscle. If you actually encounter them a lot IRL, you'll notice that they're all either scrawny with abs or fat with big titties.

All the buff ones you see on TV or at your gym are on tons of roids. Your average non-black male can look like the left in OP's pic after 1.5 years of natty training.

The real reason is going off cycle since film productions shut down. Watch him bounce back within a month when studios reopen and claim its just hard work & diet

What's good is good if it's good for me

Attached: 1585438399864.jpg (1329x1429, 959.06K)


>Its because Africans have terrible genetics for muscle.
this is bullshit. post body

same with white and asians if wer are being honest. no one looks like buff ones on TV. its TV


post body.

their 40ish

Attached: tumblr_o6n7faIwFh1th1kvho1_500.jpg (407x320, 31.35K)


true. look at their gyno

Attached: 1574815512966.jpg (200x313, 9.72K)

I bet you guys are either pissed off niggers or pathetic white cucks.

Attached: 1587053376646 (1)~2.png (1510x2086, 3.01M)

When do you plan on starting squatting?

Holy shitttt

>those legs

Looks pretty standard for a somalian Tbh

>his head doesnt touch the upper door frame

Shit legs but everything else is pretty impressive

Imagine being so mad that someone with the perfect upper body that absolutely mogs you, and states a fact that you don't like, posted body when asked. Post yours faggots. You know just by looking at these delts that you just lost.

Niggers. Have. Shitty. Muscle. Genetics.


seethe about niggers all you like, but ur legs are nonexistent

Cute hair would like to run my fingers through it while you pound my pucci

Post body you nigger loving pussy. Your somalian boyfriend in OP's pic was a roiding nigger pussy whose cowardice is only rivaled by your refusal to post body.

I just won, now go clean the kitchen before mommy gets home.

girls laugh at bodies like yours

I dunno, anecdotally, most pro sports players in the US are kaffirs, and they look pretty strong. There are a few more scientific resources out there that say blacks carry more lean mass than the rest of us, but I’m too lazy to cite. Look up FFMI, and you will find the natty upper limit is higher for negroids.

>niggers have terrible genetics for muscle
[Citation needed]