Why are tomboys so rare?

Why are tomboys so rare?

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because it's a mental disorder

good question but not fitness related

Why is the fitness community filled to the brim with homosexuals?

Because they simply do not exist.

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Did you ever speak to a female?

^ultimate bait.

(actual answer) Because they only exist before girls hit puberty, and once their hormones kick in they start to become actual women, if something goes wrong, they'll just turn into dykes

They're not rare, just usually very ugly, like you.

>tfw a very attractive tomboy clearly in to me, but I was too autistic to notice

Do you mean girls who play sports? Because there are lots of them. If you mean the fictional ones like in pic related its because you're a retard

Post some tomboy cuties Brehs

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IF you want a Tomboy the alternative is a AMAZONIAN WOMEN

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your best bet is to flip a lesbian. but then you have to deal with even more mental illness

another year
another nothing

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Are you me?

that's just a female with short hair

lets really get to the bottom of this.

what makes a women become a tomboy. that may better help us get a track on their natural habit or signs a tomboy is near the area.

All the tomboys I know are extremely promiscuous, though.
I am assuming that if your personality is like a guy, you wouldn't give up the chance for free sex.


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You are not you, you are me

bonus: Get your ass to Mars

God I wish that were me.

>a female
Repeat after me: GIRL. Lol

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i thought i was gonna get it together this YEAR

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alot of brothers? is that a cause of tomboyism.


just start fucking men you huge faggot

t. Plato

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lack of demand. Only true high test connoisseurs can truly appreciate the aesthetic complexity of the tomboy.

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bottom are all male btw

How can I learn this power

maybe the ones to the right. The one in the orange apron definitely isn't. She's a 10/10 qt

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You don't want a girlfriend you are gay nigga. You want to fuck a man. And there is nothing wrong with that as long as you can admit it. Even more so if you want to be the girl in the relationship. I may be a man but the truth is every one of us wants to be the little girl.

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you know how the bloatlord roars, i'll try to write it

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I have a Tomboy wife. Shes borderline perfect. Its obnoxious how great she is. AMA.

Who is this? Snacks?

How many times a month does she fuck you in the ass with a strapon?

Tomboys are essentially a fictional entity men invented out of their childhood memories when girls were actually fun to be around instead of volatile weepy time bombs. They're like serpent women or cute brown girls, they only really exist in Bhutanese cave etchings.

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Does she cosplay fo you?

I'll bite.
How'd'you meet ?

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At a party. We were both in great shape and hit it off immediately. After 2 nights together we knew we were gunna be together forever. Got married a couple years later

missed opportunities sting a little extra...
>10 years

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She dresses up, but we dont have any strong attachments to cosplay-worthy characters