>Be me
>Wake up
>Text bro
>Play COD for the next 5 hours
>Browse Yas Forums
>Listen to music
>Repeat until I go to bed
How do you fix this shit, I know I'm not the only one who let's themselves experience this kind of stuff.
Be me
>only eating twice a day
>text bro
>Be me
>Wake up
>Text bro
>Play COD for the next 3 hours
>Browse Yas Forums
>Listen to music
>Repeat until I go to bed
so fucking hard
I can't go to the gym
>inb4 calisthenics
>COD not Peggle
You're spending 5 hours a day on a game that isn't even good.
Start with the greeks, learn to code, etc
Just do more stuff, OP. Do body weight exercises, learn to cook your own food, read about things that interest you, meditate, listen to podcasts.
Set yourself some short-term goals such as getting fitter, abstaining from masturbation/porn consumption, eating healthier, learning a skill, applying for jobs, enriching yourself (see previous).
>Be me
>Wake up
>do pushups
>Text bro
>Play COD for the next 2 hours
>go for a run
>play Cod for 2 hours
>Browse Yas Forums
>do situps
>Listen to music
>Repeat until I go to bed
Start with this.
Look for the heaviest object you can carry in your place and LIFT IT TIL FAILURE you pussy
a-at least your not cooming, user.
>learn to code
What's the best beginners guide (genuinely curious)
HTML for Dummies.
literally me
>wake up
>go for a walk
>sit by pc
>heat a can of soup up and eat straight out of it
>study and play vidya until sun goes down
>go lift
>eat a sandwich
>play more vidya
>eating more than once a day
>inb4 solution to my problem
kill yourself
Where the fuck does your welfare come from?
That's a horrible suggestion. There are interactive tutorials online, reading is fucking boring. HTML is ok to start with but it's not a programming language. Try PHP.
Why are you here if you don't even lift or at the very least, exercise?
>programming language
Pick one
>woke up, eat oats for breakfast
>suntan for 20mins for vitamin D production
>try to make my computer boot from the win10 partition, fail.
>go outside, go to the shore to graft a branch from another tree onto an apple tree I take care of. Prune the tree with a saw I brought.
>investigate a pine tree which has fallen across a powerline by the river. Ponder if I should contact the power company, decide not to. Pick up some plastic trash which shouldnt be in nature and take it with me.
>back at house again, try to make computer boot from win10 partition some more. Fail again.
>computer struggles & assorted swearing. Why wont it booooot, install win10 3 times and reformat whole SSD, no change.
>eat lasagna
>go on Yas Forums, regret it because it is utter shit and a shadow of what it used to be back in 2012-2013
>wake up
>drink shake
>jog 5k
>play tf2 for the rest of the day
>listen to girlfriend asmr on YouTube
I'm pretty based
It's OK to do fuck all now and again but yes everyday it will wear you down
RIP Soldier
I was like that, completely aimless and wasting my time. I did this:
>Stoped playing vidya. Was hard, not anymore
>Stopped watching porn. Wasnt that hard, i still beat my meat everynow and then
>Quit social media; i only post sthg every now and then to keep an active social media life (its stupid but useful nowadays).
>Uninstall every distracting app from your cel
>Quit wsp groups; if they wanna see me, theyll make time, otherwise they are just wasting mine with their memes and shit
>Stoped drinking, partying and getting together with losers. Aimless dating goes here
>Cleaned my diet. It affects me more than i thought, maybe because i got older
>I train everyday, after im done with my work
I also left my house, rn living somewhere else. I made my work my priority and peace of mind my goal. Its a sacrifice, but Im happier. Someone said it, if you are not willing to sacrifice some things for your goals, you end up sacrificing your goals.
You're asking all the wrong questions user you must simply DO be free be FREE
stop asking what you should STOP.
Start asking what you should START.
go blogpost and pity yourself somewhere else op
>How do you fix this shit
Get a job
Get a job at a bar, even if you're a bar back. It'll probably change you.