>godlike genetics
>master's degree in chemical engineering
>fulbright scholarship at MIT
>practicing martial arts since he was a kid, was a karate champion
>straight A student in school
>fluent in 3 languages
>still looks good and has a perfect hairline in his 60s
>so strong he sent Stallone to the hospital with a punch
Is he everything Yas Forums wishes it could be?
Godlike genetics
No, I don't want to be a cuck.
Sure, it would be great if I could be like him but wasting my time envying him is pointless because I simply dont have his genetics. Hes a total chad, and good for him. I'm not gonna be a jealous fag and hate on him because of it
Instead I'm just gonna play my hand the best I can and strive to be the best version of myself. And I already mog the average joe, so its going pretty well
Great mentality, user, we're all gonna make it.
>is he everything Yas Forums wishes it could be?
No. He actually lifts.
top kek sadly this is true
you forgot his gf is in her 20s
I grew up with his nephew and thus met him once when I was 9. Really nice dude, a ton of respect for him.
You forgot that he had a 4.5pl8s OHP
i mog him though
post body and hair and menacing eyes
Their politicians and their leftists do not represent 100% of their population. There are plenty of good, right wing, traditionalist nationalist swedes. At a populational level they are among the most eugenic humans ever to exist, don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
Got to get pegged by Grace Jones on a regular basis
>>master's degree in chemical engineering
>>fulbright scholarship at MIT
>>practicing martial arts since he was a kid, was a karate champion
>>straight A student in school
>>fluent in 3 languages
how the fuck do people find time to do all this
When you're that good looking you probably don't have a lot of social maintenance to do
retard here, pls explain what you mean
what the FUCK do you get out if making these threads everyday?
What could have happened in your miserable little life that this is what you do EVERY day without fail.
Sage I'm not even going to bother reporting you you just evade the ban everytime. Please get pancreatic cancer you massive fucking faggot
Is that a microphone plugged into an electrical outlet?
Take your meds
what, get good grades, do a martial art and learn languages? doesn't take much time desu
Asking the important questions
dilate, you irredeemable faggot
How old is he in this photo?
>become famous in one movie
>forgotten for the rest of history
>study for school while doing martial arts in free time
>university over a period of multiple years
>european, it's normal to speak 2-5 languages (not everyone is a mutt)
He didnt waste half of every day as a youth staring at a screen
Made me chuckle.
And saved.
I wonder what their children would have looked like.
>No one mentioned he has a 160 IQ
>>become famous in one movie
>>forgotten for the rest of history
Fucking faggot, he was in Aquaman which made over a billion dollars and was cast because he played He-Man in Masters of the Universe over30 years earlier meaning that he clearly hasn't been forgotten while you'll die alone and unloved while your ashes will be flushed down the nearest shitter as your memory will be lost in time like diarrhea in a mudslide.
Very based and logical bro.
We are all stardust anyway bro