What mode is this?

What mode is this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


foreskin devourer

tech multi-billionaire mode

AKA the "makes more in a day than you will in your entire life" mode

depopulation mode

adrenochrome mode

Imagine the smell

>>Makes more in an hour

>>>Makes money in a minute than you do in a whole month Mode

The lesbian aunty mode

That is "focused to the point of obsessive" mode

Ultimate boomer hubris mode

billionaire mode

fuck bros why do i have to be a poorfag student
i want infinite money too

Mark of the beast mode

fucking Antichrist child rapist mode

Attached: 1587151399113.jpg (827x730, 101.57K)

Kill 500k child in india by testing vaccines on them mode

Camel through the eye of a needle mode

Eugenicist mode

You provide no value at scale to society, you're not a competitive overdrive 160 iq genius


based Bill

hey.. thats kinda based..

Look at him most recent post on instagram, people are mad. Even dorian yates said something.


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Sign the petition



dweeb mode
someone oughta give this dork a swirly and/or a wedgie.

you have to have a net worth of at least $500 mil to unlock it

jarrod mode

this guy has gotten to a point where he literally makes more per minute than i do per hour by just existing.

He makes more in a minute than you make in a month.

Imagine growing up during a time when being a nerd wasn't cool, winning the game of life, and then later having people think you're part of some magic cult because they have too much time on their hands in the age of the internet

Oké Yas Forums choose one:

>never workout ever again in your life
>have Bill Gates entire networth

He could buy you if he wanted to.

i guess id be a billionaire instead of having a 1.5 pl8 bench


what is your point, kid?

>hurr durr working out or literally becoming the richest person in the world and one of the most powerful men who has ever lived

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No there was no testing.
It was done to lower populations
They ones that weren't randomly murdered were sterilized and or left autistic.