Studies have shown that men who consume more milk and dairy products have higher levels of estradiol...

>Studies have shown that men who consume more milk and dairy products have higher levels of estradiol, a 'female' hormone. This can lower the body's production of testosterone


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Say that to my fucking face, twink

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So if I do GOMAD, I can grow out my tits two cups bigger?
t. Female with b cups

idk, send before and after pics so we can measure progress

Studies have also shown the opposite to be true.

Take my word for it.
Also my tits are genetic shits. They sag. That’s why I think making them fatter is the only way to make them bearable to look at

It is so easy to trick our body into producing estrogen or making the body think it has high levels of estrogen. It fucking sucks.

We still need a before pic to measure progress.

Good thing a little bit of test cancels out a lot of est

The thing he asked for was an image of your tits and not your worthless input.

Please don't be mean

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they will still be saggy even if they get bigger, if anything that will make it worse.

Yes and women that drink semen everyday have a higher testosterone too

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delet this

Saw this and realized I’m happy with my milkies
Go fuck yourself

Cancer is not funny, user.

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femoid bitch

according to who?

This is why "studies" are fucking bullshit.

This is a man with 100 dollar implants

>studies have shown
Ok faggot

Dairy is okay in moderation and coffee is good for you.

Please delet this

Does alcohol kill gains?

just pin for fuck's sake

PRE gomad I was a test filled woman abusing MAN. Post gomad I was wearing girls knickers and sticking things in my ass

True if big.

Mongolians only meat Diary and Meat. They conquered half of the world and are the most HIGH TEST Asian group. GTFO grain eating peasants.

Dairy fag here
6ft 5in tall
Been drinking fresh milk straight from the chillers since I was a baby.
Entire family is 6ft+ even the women.
Family lives extremely long
Every grandparent made it to 100Yrs old
No bitch tits, no overweight family members


Talk shit post pic.
In all seriousness I can see this happening but knowing the liars on this Mongolian liver fermentating forum it's hard to say it's legit without proof.