Pork rinds are a superfood. Almost 50% of their weight is protein, the other 50% is fat most of which is unsaturated...

Pork rinds are a superfood. Almost 50% of their weight is protein, the other 50% is fat most of which is unsaturated. 200 grams of this and that's all the protein you need for the day, plus 1200kCal which can be useful if you're trying to bulk up.

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it's useless protein.
everything is cooked out of it.
>you think a USA football from the 70s is protein ?

>saturated fat bad
seriously though, when will we move forward and forget about the meme health advises from the 00s?

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The fuck are you talking about mane? Can you please link sources to back your claims up? Cause I find any.

Saturated fats can form part of a healthy dies, though fat american pigs eat 400% the DRA and that is a gain killer


I'm not him, but iirc they just have a poor amino acid profile.

basically only consume saturated and monunsaturated fats if you care about your test levels


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"pork rinds are considered an incomplete source of protein because they contain very low amounts of some essential amino acids, including methionine, tryptophan and histidine.”


Ok I guess I was wrong. Do you guys know any calorie (and protein) dense foods with a full amino acide profile?

Chicken and beef.

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Whey. Chicken breast. Steak.

I have whey protein powder but a friend told me its very hard on your liver so I never tried it, should I?

Yeah, but what about the calories? 50 chicken breats a day doesn't sound feasible to me

you're fucking disgusting for wanting to eat pork rinds in the first place.

pork skin made into snacks.. what the fuck.

Sorry, meant to (You) .

pork rinds are pretty good desu dude. if you've ever eaten rotisserie chicken then you've eaten chicken skin you fucking retard

>fried fat is a superfood

Welcome to America


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>hurrr chicken skin is the same as pork skin
fucking retard

oh so the actual animal makes the difference, and not the skin? now you're just a pussy

>very hard on your liver
It ain't. Unless you're american and can't digest dairy, then get whey isolate, that one's lactose-free. Either way it's cheap as fuck and an easy way to hit your macros.


A chicken egg has all the amino acids. It's known as the essential protein

~86% of americans are not lactose intolerant

yes it matters you stupid fucking retard.
pigs are disgusting animals with disgusting thick hides compared to chicken

Then why the fuck are you people all drinking nut milk and other strange shit?

ok muslim

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idk but u can drink my NUT milk tho haha :)

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" You are what you eat ". Pigs eat shit. You eat the pig....you ate the shit the pig ate. Farm raised pigs are raised on grains unless it's uber pigs. Hence all the unsaturated fat. I'm sure you think vegetable oils are good for you too. Think about what you eat for a moment.