What is happening to my hand?????????

What is happening to my hand?????????

Attached: IMG_0162.jpg (4032x3024, 1.92M)

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bed bugs

Grandpa, please get off Yas Forums and take your meds.

Bro your liver is fucked up


MDfag here
you have mild radiation poisoning i recommend taking iodine and seeing a doctor immediately

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Looks like an mild allergic rash to me, did you switch soaps recently, or been washing your hands more. If it isn’t painful or itchy it’s probably fine, but you should see a dermatologist if it doesn’t go away in a few days

Could this be caused by high protein/low carb diet?

It has been happening on and off for a week now. Usually notice it after exercise or eating a big meal.

I have been wahsing my hands more recently and it gets slightly itchy, not bad enough where i am compelled to scratch.

>spring started
>"why am i having allergic reaction?"
you're either retarded or 10 years old

looks like contact dermatitis or something. but hard to say without knowing what youve been doing.

i work on a farm and get this from handling dusty shit that hasnt' moved in 5 years, or sorting peaches cause hairs cut your skin up.

You have a rare form of acne, moisturize you dry fuck.

Use a milder soap with no parfum and see if that helps, and if it doesn’t clear up or starts spreading see a dermatologist

I'm 36 years old and have never had any allergic reaction before, kid.

so you're retarded

Wanker's Cramp

Yes, that is correct.

Now onto the rash, any explantations brainlet?

Allergies can appear at any age for seemingly no reason and dermatitis like that is common

Looks like eczema or contact dermatitis. Try a topical steroid cream.

I have been running 12 miles a day, which I only started last week.
I will try switching soaps but the one I use is an unscented anti-bacterial soap I've used for years.
Thanks for the advice.

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100% sure this us scabies. The guy that said its radiation is retarded and a communist

Don’t use antibacterial soap it’s a meme, plain soap works just as well, just wash your hands right, if you can get some really basic soap that is just lye and olive oil it will help your dry ass hands as well

My hands look like that due to 20+ years of smoking. The skin isn't actually dry, just old, withered and wrinkled.

Go to the doctor before it gets worse and you spread to more people. It's scabies

Looks like some poison ivy. Wrap it up and take benadryl.

Prickly heat

>Prickly heat
Ah, hopefully it is this.

I took anantihistamine about 10 mins ago and the rash is starting to die down, and most times it has appeared is right after exercise. Fingers crossed!

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You have been washing your hands maniacally due to corone these days, haven't you?
I got the exact same rash in the first few days, any moisturizing cream will help.

Trust me m8 good soap makes a big difference also drink more water

Unironically it's allergic reaction to sun. I get this shit every summer when im riding my bike in the sun.

You have corona now