Proof that gamers can be swole

Proof that gamers can be swole.
Is he on gear?
What's his routine?
/r/ing that gif of him breathing heavily that gets increasingly granulated and warped
Also /r/ing the pic of the reporter mogging him

Attached: 5A44D06C-B72E-461B-849B-F30FC76536A7.jpg (780x439, 42.06K)

He has a 4pl8 bench. Yas Forums DYELS will say that it's because he is a manlet.

>this is white in america

Punishes self with 500 pushups for every failed attack

No it isn't you candy choking europoor

Isn't the gif of Elliott Hulse

he might be on roids but hes also been going to the gym for like 10 something years. he said he does brosplits and has been since the start
hes half black idk if you consider that white

why is his head so wonky

He has said he only workouts 4 times a week lately , that's all I remember him saying about his routine

>What's his routine?
Only dyels ask this.

Mulattos are unironically the most aesthetic mixed race people.
>Good contrast between golden brown skin and lighter colored eyes
>da BBC
>no one will call you out for muh white privilege
>high T
>Will still look good bald if they lose their hair

much better than mutts like hapas who are usually low T since asian women have the lowest pre natal T out of all the races and better than castizos too. There's a reason why the /meekspill/ is a thing.

>Is he on gear?
Probably. He'd be dumb not to be since he doesn't get tested
>What's his routine?
Typical bro routine:
Arm day
Chest day
Back day
Leg day (optional)

You're not wrong but they're always nuts


I've never seen someone try this hard to make half niggers look good and still fail miserably lmao.

>I've never seen someone try this hard to make half niggers look good and still fail miserably lmao.

Attached: chink2.jpg (720x960, 208.09K)

Nobody loves you

You could breed with the most decrepit Asian you could find, and yet your child will still be less fucked than being born with even 0,1% of nigger blood.


>You could breed with the most decrepit Asian you could find, and yet your child will still be less fucked than being born with even 0,1% of nigger blood.

Attached: hapafamily.jpg (1024x682, 122.32K)

Happy relationships between humans make subhumans seethe, what else is new lmao.

Nah they're all equally just shit.


cope. they're ugly

physiognomy is real. Ugly appearance = ugly spirit. All that smiling can't hide their dark souls

Her name is Eefje Deportere (reporter).
also, this

>Got swole and still into gaming

Absolutely no one:

Americans: he's half black idk if that's white

unironically because he wears those shitty headphones all day. the massive clamp force remolded his skull.

dot com

haha have an upvote my fellow redditor ;-)

shut the fuck up faggot


>has gf
>has made more money than you will in your entire life, doing something that he loves
yeah ok

>shut the fuck up faggot

Attached: 1581287564646.png (800x600, 70.21K)

rent free

Correlation doesn't equal to causation. Even if he weren't buff we would still get those things because of streaming games and shit while a normie like you would certainly decrease it's chances of making it if you still be into gaming.