Yas Forums recipes

Sup Yas Forums let's cultivate some good cooking to make gains

What's the best recipe for hard boiled eggs?

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>best recipe for hard boiled eggs
take them out of the water when their still soft boiled

boil water, drop the eggs (in the water) and wait 7 minutes

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le bumpy bump face xD

you can eat many many more eggs when scrambled. check out Gordon Ramsey scrambled egg recipe--- it's freaking gold.
hard boiled eggs are way to dry, get caught in your esophagus, and are easily overcooked into green hell.
>cock a doodle to you

What about eggs and rice for breakfast?

>get caught in your esophagus
You are supposed to chew them first, user.

>Put eggs in pot
>Add water till eggs are fully submerged
>Put pot on stove and bring water to a boil
>Once it begins boiling set a timer for 5 minutes
>While this is going dice up a little bit of onion and put it in a bowl with some deenz
>When the timer is up, remove the eggs and run them under cold water
>Peel em
>Throw em on top of the deenz
>Mash together and enjoy

>not mackerel
>You don't even have Special Royal Permission, do you ?

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>red pepper
as in a bell pepper or red pepper corns?

ill start dumping what ive saved from previous Yas Forums recipe threads

Can you guys give me slow cooker recipes?

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if it takes a vegantard 1 whole fucking hour to make eggs and bacon then there is no hope for them. Also that recipe on the right tastes and feels like absolute dogshit. I fucking hate vegans.

probably crushed red pepper flakes. anyone who puts red bell pepper in meatballs should get shot

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based and softpilled

What happened to the 3rd steak?

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eat it with your hands

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No Carb post workout shake.
1. Zero carb protein powder
2. Purified water

1 1/2 cups chopped onions
1 poblano pepper, chopped and diced
1 pack lean ground turkey
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
2 tbsp chili powder
2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp oregano
1 tbsp tomato paste (half a small can)
1 tsp group black pepper
1 1/2 tsp cumin
1 cup water
1 (15 0z) can pinto/garbanzo/white beans
1 (15 oz) can red kidney beans
1 (15 oz) can black beans
1 (28 oz) can diced tomatoes, don't drain - just pour it in
Throw that all in a croc pot, 2 hrs on high, 3 hrs on low

Pick a better picture next time OP, it took me forever to find this thread

Anyone have GOOD crockpot chicken recipes that won't make me want to kill myself on day 2 of work lunches? I'm a recovering skinnyfat trying to gain a ton of weight but so far all I've really done is cut sugar
How do you manage to fit breakfast into your day as well? Mornings are hectic and I just can't find the time

What would happen if you swapped the ginger beer out for something spicier? Spicy food is so much more interesting