/fat/ exercise machines edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For dough elementals who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication.
This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss

>What do I do first?
1. Read the Yas Forums sticky
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
3. Calculate your BMI
4. Calculate your TDEE
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)
5. Plan your weight loss week by week
6. Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal or Cronometer. Don't listen to memes, either of these are fine based on what you need
myfitnesspal.com (better for packaged food)
cronometer.com (better for generic food/tracking micronutrients)

>Now what do I do?
Count calories, all of them.
Calculate your TDEE at sedentary
Buy scales, be accurate in your measurements
Learn how to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 1g per lb of goal body weight.
Do cardio. Even if its just walking, cardio will improve your health which is sorely needed. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can off set the risks.
Lift weights. This will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat. You don't want this.
Post your height/weight/screenshot of MFP/Cronometer food log when asking for advice

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calorie count
Eat processed foods, or at least try to avoid if possible
Drink your calories. Alcohol, soda, hot chocolate, fancy starbucks shit. forget it.
Freak out over a stall in weight loss. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself.
Be a retard.

Previous Thread:

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Eating 1000 calories a day OMAD
Losing 1-2lbs every couple days.
Doing cardio near daily and calisthenics 3 days a week, sometimes do weights too

Considering fasting 3 days a week to speed things up

Do you own any exercise machines? Did any machine in the gym help you with your weightloss? For me the absolute king and primary exercise machine was the exercise bike, I could pedal for an hour while watching TV/listening to music and podcasts

>do if
>fast for 24 hours (8 hrs if no count sleep*
>during my eating window eat just as much as if I didnt do IF

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>Do you own any exercise machines?
No, I live in a tiny box and there's no room.
>Did any machine in the gym help you with your weightloss?
I stopped going to the gym when I got laughed at.
Exercise bike sounds perfect since I enjoy the motion of biking, just not actually doing it outside. Wish I had the space.

Any tips for improving skipping coordination apart from skipping more? After about 30 secs the rope hits my foot. I can go for about a minute but restarting is annoying.

Also any skipping tips on general? Was doing 100 burpee race (no push-up) for cardio, but the rope seems more intense.

Am also about 18 hours into my first fast, going OK. Planning to do 48.

Repost: I didn't want to make an entirely new thread for just this one question and I didn't see a QTDDTOT.

Can you add whey protein powder to things like a pancake or muffin mix and have it come out fine or do you need to change the ratio of flour and milk or anything like that? Does any of the protein/etc get baked or cooked off in any way if you do?

>helping Mom clean out house
>try on old high school prom dress for shits and giggles
>it's so huge that I can step into the top part and pull it up without unzipping it while wearing clothes
>try on bridesmaid's dress from when my cousin got married when I was in 7th grade
>it mostly fits except being a little tight in the bust
Holy shit I was a fat kid

fatty contest
we're all gonna make it

Even if you live in a studio apartment you can fit a bike machine in there. Half of the fags that live in studio apartments literally bike for transport and therefore store actual bikes in their apartments ffs.
Alternatively you can get a rower that folds. I got one that stands up and uses 2 square feet of floor space stored, and an hour on the rower will kick your (fat) ass for sure.

fatty contest
179.6 lbs

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I stopped training more than 18 days ago and been binging, getting drunk & high. This shit stops today, wish me luck user frens.

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How to get over BDD? I see myself as a fat cunt in the mirror and pics but irl people compliment my fitness and tell me I look great

You look at yourself several times a day so it's hard to see any differences lol, I've lost 50+ lbs and I feel the same. However that being said
>I see myself as a fat cunt in the mirror
I'd use that as motivation to keep going

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Yeah I'm down 40ish as well. Started at 235 and down to 180 at 5 9. Just gonna keep exercising

My apartment is 28 square meters, and a huge portion of it is dedicated to the way too large bathroom. I could theoretically fit in an exercise bike, but then I would have to block a walking path with it.
I've never tried a rower so I'm hesitant to just go and buy one if I don't like it at all. Biking meanwhile is comfy and I can watch shit while I do it.

this sucks, but I'd rather eat this expiring food than throw it away. my regular intake is more like 1300kcal anyway so I guess it's fine.

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Get comfy out of your brain.
Get a rower and listen to audio books like I do. An hour a day working mind and body.
No excuses.

How do I accurately estimate my TDEE? I've tried different formulas/calculators and it's basically rng
The vague descriptions of the multipliers are driving me crazy.

nah cardio machines are bloat, I just exercise with free weights

Bro it is highly approximate, but in general just set your personal stats for someone who is very sedentary.
If you are diligent with your diet you can use the data after several weeks of strict calorie counting to tweak your estimate.

Fatty contest
Henchman 21

Fatty Contest
The Burger King
Well, had a better week this week. idk why I dropped 10 pounds, I guess that just happens when you finally go a week without binging for the first time in a couple months. I upped my max to 2000 midway through because I got so hungry off of 1500 and I think this will lead to more promising weight loss in the long term, so hopefully that sticks. We're all gonna make it

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>30 day avg: 2150.1 kcal
>Today: 4245.1 kcal

Truck driver user here what does Yas Forums recommend as meal replacements meals or whatever on the road. I have gained so much weight sitting on my ass and not being able to exercise as much as i can and not eating balanced meals.

I'm a huge retard, what does the yellow line represent? Thanks

You lifting too?
If you are and you hit good macros 2000 isn't that bad.

protein shakes, the more disgusting, the better (if you want to lose your appetite) also canned tuna

I was falling asleep at 7 PM on 1500 kcal/d
now I'm at 2k/d but I think I'm going to up it a bit

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the opposite thing happened to Zimmerman
at least she didn't waste her time in the can

I didn't even know either, but looking into the app settings it says its a 30-day average line. I don't know why its behaving like that it seems wrong
Not lifting yet but on 45min/day cardio which should help a bit