Friendly reminder that in real life even fat, bald, manlets who live on welfare are able to get cute girlfriends by lifting. This is why you should lift and not give any attention to defeatist incel shit.
Friendly reminder that in real life even fat, bald...
Why did you post this? Do you think anyone actually believes the shit they read on fit?
im a manlet on welfare, in my early 30s, never had a woman ever like me.
ive lifted for all my 20s and 30s, never has being fit and lean ever helped me
I chuckled
>implying she isn't cute
America is full of unironic nazis just because they believe everything they read on Yas Forums.
lol you cant be serious?
Is pic related? She's 6/10 max. Also chestlet.
>Is pic related? She's 6/10 max. Also chestlet.
I actually fell for the incel meme
Based dustchad
They look related
Well they're both descendants of Genghis Khan.
women just want a guy to stick around and entertain them at the end of the day
no she's not.
She's a 4.5, dude.
she is not cute bruh
OP, an enlightened and emerald pilled man: She is cute and she dates this fat faggot. We all can make it
(Never spoke to a girl in his entire life)
If a 2/10 girl even glanced at you ugly and degenerate MF you should be so happy to the point where you guys apologize to your mom for being such a nasty human being
Exactly. Like various degrees of incest lineage.
She's cute. Thank you for motivation, user!
Ok, tastelets
Samefag or retarded
She has a bigger norwood than me faggot
based incels
The only people that post defeatist threads are trannies and false flaggers who are trying to keep others down so they look better by comparison. Only underage morons fall for looksism crap and they probably weren't going to make it anyway.
The same can be said about men, incel.
Bucketcrabs don't really want to leave their bucket. They've been told 100s of times to stop caring what they look like, maintain basic hygiene and fashion sense, socialize with people they have things in common with, and enjoy life. They know that their hairline being 1/4 inch farther back than it should be or them being a few inches shorter than average isn't the reason why girls aren't throwing themselves at them but they'd rather believe that it is than actually change their ways.
Americans aren't very clever people user, it's not their fault.
>false flaggers
what the fuck are false flaggers?
What if I'm decent looking but very picky with girls? I don't want to lose my virginity to some slut.
you don't have to be an incel to not think she's cute bro. she looks like a completely average human female, how deprived are you?