I lift for her in my quarantine. Who do you lift for r/fit?

I lift for her in my quarantine. Who do you lift for r/fit?

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Your mom

Thats a lot of makeup

That’s a man

Who is this 2-bit, caked in makeup, lip filler abusing, capped toothed, bleached hair insta slut?

I don’t even lift.

I lift for mires and to make my warehouse job easier

I lift for her.

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Haha good post OP, I love this kind of content on this shitty board. Keep posting more trannies who dont know you exist and telling us how you lift for them, that way we're all gonna make it

her - hahahahha
he has a bigger dick than you

Based Emmaposter. She is looking more feminine by the day. Effortless femininity, one might say.

we have to stop her from cutting her dick off, though


Don't you guys have the smallest dicks in the world though


100% agree. Save the pp.

dude or not id let it suck me off

Yeah she's pretty gorgeous

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The negromancer

I already coom on that shit

Emma only dates aryan Norwegian boys i'm sure. She's on Tinder but haven't lost her v-card yet. Trad af.


I lift for her.

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Who dis?

A special girl I am looking for

Based and smolpilled.

Jævla homse

I don't think that 5head is smol in any way

Vær grei, user. Emma er et menneske også.

Basically born as a guy, but the mind of a female.

it's a norwegian boy called Tobias

No dude, she was always Emma. Nature just tried to fool her into being Tobias, but now all is right.

for a random qt that I will never speak to

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Why fight you biology? I never understood the whole trans deal, you're either born a boy or girl, simple as. If you disagree, you're wrong.

Nature knows best, but if you're gonna piss against the wind be prepared for the backlash.

What about people who are born intersex?

Nah, she'll be fine. Hopefully they'll invent tranny wombs in the future so Emma can be a mom and use her natural instinct for nurture.

There's a high correlation between autism and transgenderism. Also even though gender dysphoria may be a real, documented thing, it's impossible to ignore a lot of this is being pushed by parents (especially mothers) who are doing it because it's fashionable.

>What about people who are born intersex?
What about people born with one arm?