I am out i quit

I am leaving this board, too many people posting half-naked girls and porn, meant to be a fitness board, gg.

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Mods and Janitors only monitor Yas Forums now.

good lad

good thread. i should have left years ago

we'll never forget you

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they're no where to be seen mate

dunno but some faggot on my phones last ip address got a 3 day ban for shit posting on Yas Forums

see ya

You are against porn because you believe it makes you stronger

And yet

You you too weak minded to simply scroll past it

Your mental is actually so weak you're quitting because of what according to catalog barely takes up 10% of the entire 10 pages of this board

Off you go faggot

how can it be scrolled past? it catches my eye, i do not dwell upon it it is just there.

You are literally scared of pixels of naked women on your screen.
How exactly it makes you better than coomers or any more of any man if you are not of control of your own perception and urges.
It's literally just like any other pictures posted on here.

see you tomorrow

I am trying to avoid looking at pictures that stimulate me sexually in order to fix my dopamine receptors.Of course I am not scared of the pictures on the board i don't get angry its just better for me. It doesn't make me any better than anyone else, I am just doing what i gotta do.

based user telling the truth


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Yes i agree with user to an extent. I am able to scroll past these pictures, just like the guy above me who posted that vid. It's simple it doesn't tempt me and i am strong enough to move past it.

However, it has gotten to the point where this stuff is everywhere, like some sort of sexy girl page on the internet. If you were a porn addict and you were trying to quit would you go there ? No because its going to stimulate you further.

good. fuck off. One less "self improvement" redditor here.

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look at porn when I want to and don't when I don't, and it doesn't affect me, because I'm not so weak as to have my life be affected by something as stupid as porn

You think the really successful people torture themselves over watching porn? You think they subscribe to self-help groups on the internet about "day X nofap, staying strong"? They watch porn when they want, and fuck when they want (it may be hard to hear for virgin ears who put pussy on this golden, majestic pedestal, but you can fuck your GF AND fap to porn just fine)

Stop finding obscure things to obsesse over as the reason you dislike yourself

"I am weak; should I address the problem? No, that is too difficult....I know! I'll find something small that is like a game, and required basically no effort. I'm sure that is the crux of my problem. If I could only avoid porn, my life will be more successful".

Do you realize how pathetic that sounds?

>I'm not so weak as to have my life be affected by something as stupid as porn

Ignorance is bliss

>I'm so weak porn affects my life.
>It MUST affect others, there's no way it doesn't!

well of course, yes there are underlying issues such as depression that need to be targeted. As this may lead one to go to binge watching porn.

Yas Forums has turned into a mini-verse inside Yas Forums of manlets who think their bodyfat is too low to post in the proper boards so they post all their /s/ Yas Forums /ck/ /adv/ with a message like "this is why I get gains" to make it Yas Forums because they think their overworked upper bodies and chicken legs are a membership to shitposting

Based and screencapped.

I don't watch porn because I prefer having sex with women instead of my hand

friendly reminder cum skulls have destroyed their minds and will try to destroy yours too and pass it off as ''''normal''''. exactly the same way the '''''fat acceptance''''' people do by normalisation. coomers are low IQ and will shame you for being better than them. their goal is to create yet another generation of SIMPs and weak men to validate e-thots and instawhores. don't listen to these slaves, stay strong Kings.

go to a porn board jizz brains.


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Single frame of exposed nipple. Not gonna fly on a blue board bucko.

Why can't i spam a blue board with pornography wahhhhhh stfu

>Not the laderinios noo not the titteridoos
>Yas Forumsizens posting half naked men is alright is completely fine though
OP is indeed gay.

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55224874 (You)

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It shows what you can achieve if i was gay i'd avoid this board like the plague it's the same as a lockerroom what's the fucking problem it's a fitness board almost all fitness YouTubers take there shirt off at one point or another so you can see what the fuck they're doing posting a guy flexing is 100% different than posting hard and softcore pornography