Meth recovery

did meth since I was 15.
quit this year at age of 20 with no rehab. How do I fix my brain?

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You don’t. You’re genuinely fucked



No loser, get out of my thread

hes right

Faggot get out of my thread

Not him but I'm sorry he's right, focus on yourself now user, you do not even know what is that word, cause if you did wrong.. you're genuinely fucked this time

sorry bud, its over

How am I fucked? There are people who’ve done it way longer who are sober, fuck off

Also are you the one who made the meth thread?

Who the hell wrote the url in detroit's alleyways?

You used one of the most powerful drugs put there when your body was supposed to be growing. The damage is probably irreversible, at least to some extent.

What you gotta do now is learn the lesson. Stay as far away from drugs, because not all is lost. There is still chance. You still have one chance.
Study, and lift weights, eat clean, play chess a lot, so you can train your brain. Talk to doctors. This is too serious shit to be discussing on Yas Forums.

No this is my only thread

Basically you just adopt good habits and stick with them.
>good sleep schedule
>healthy diet
>regular exercise
>seeking and maintaining healthy relationships with others
Realize that you never fully recover to your brains prior potential but you will still almost certainly be able to lead a good happy life.

I was molested as a kid which got me using drugs but now I am doing therapy and it’s been helping

This will heal you, man. I'm not even joking.

I was a benzo addict for 5 years. Been clean for 5 months. How do I fix my brain? Like when I'm reading books sometimes I have to reread paragraphs because I forget what i just read and also I don't get things as easily as I used to. like it's hard for me to get jokes as other people can. I feel stupid a lot :/ I used to be one of those people that to do well in anything academic was easy, all I had to do was read the subject matter and I'd memorize everything with ease. My memory isn't as good as it used to be either.

Good luck my man, like I said here , meditate.
I wish you all the best, may you be well and happy, and enjoy long lasting health! May you grow to be a good and virtuous man.

And one last thing. Don't you ever forget, WE'RE ALL GONNA MAKE IT!!


all i can say
its 100times harder than you think to manage day to day

just gotta be occupied homie and honestly dont be around any friends that do any drugs

Fucked is a strong way to out it, but basically your brain is wired at this point to only create dopamine from meth, I'm in a similar boat with opiods and it's fucking awful. Good on you for kicking that shit but the damage is pretty much irreversible.

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Thank you

family and friends happiness should be a way to find something to enjoy

Meth literally destroys the brain. At 15 your Brian hasn’t even finished developing, and because of meth, probably never will, mainly the Frontal and Prefrontal Cortex. I expect you’ll probably develop things like anxiety and depression issues if you haven’t already.

It's not irreversible but it does take a long time, I quit meth about 13 years ago and it probably took the best part of 10 years to get back to normal.

how long did you do meth for?

Honestly, count yourself lucky if you're able to feel joy at this point OP.
Some long term meth addicts lose that ability. We all have things we regret doing that negatively impact us now, I know it sucks. But we have to make the most out of what we have. Don't waste energy thinking about what you could have had and focus on what you do.

About 8-10 years in the end I was shooting it a few times a day at least...
I rarely slept, I was armed to the teeth and paranoid af

...I’m not saying you can’t fix your brain, but you would be the first human being in history to reverse the neurological nigger-raping brought about by meth. Being a fucking retard is hazardous to your health, but in the bright side, you probably have no idea what we’re even talking about.

look into a supplement with lions mane mushroom in it, non active quantities of psilocybin can also stimulate neurogenesis

Thanks man, that is what I’m doing. I’m doing therapy, working out as well as reading a lot.

Starting at 15 and going until 20, yeah, it is irreversible, at least from a biological standpoint. You cope with the damage, but you don’t recover the lost function in the brain.

Sorry about the people in this thread. You can definitely fix your brain and body. It just takes time. I've done meth before and have friends who were actually addicted. You definitely have hope at 20, don't listen to these pussies. They've never been through shit and their parents are probably alive. People on here are scared to drink a beer or have a ciggy. Of course they're gonna be upset and confused.

Lmaoing at your life

Why do Australians love meth?


Go ahead. I don't give a shit what you think. People make mistakes sometimes and live through them. Why do you feel the need to blackpill people? Sure he did a lot of damage to himself, but there's no point in talking shit if you can't offer solutions. He needs to live clean and time will work it out best as it can.

Op here , thanks man I appreciate it. I’m doing everything I can to get my life together and i don’t care what others say,

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I never talked shit, I told him the truth. His brain is irreparably damaged because of meth. He will never get that back. His life may not be over because of it, but it is the truth.

is that you???

No, that’s my idol david goggins

you’re an idiot.

You don't, you live as an insane person with anxiety and regrets until you die.
Make a good fuel out of this and become the Best you can.

>t. Meth user

That's all you can do. Keep in mind the type of damage meth does is related to pleasure more so than literal retard damage. You will just have to work double time to focus on things and achieve satisfaction. Believe me though, I've seen dudes strung the fuck out for years come back from it and start a family. You can still do whatever it is you want to do.
Alright, yeah he has certainly done some damage that will result in a different life than he would have had, had he not done that. He can't go back in time though, so he ought to make the best of it.

lmao wtf has to go wrong in your life that you’re using meth at 15

not everyone was dealt a good hand in life.

Lots of shit can go wrong at that time bud. Me and my friends were doing all kinds of drugs at that age. It's not the norm and it's certainly not ideal, but some people have access to those drugs and a deep hole in their heart.

America sounds like a real shithole