How’s come soccer players have such low bf?

And how do I achieve this body?

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Si mijito, sho lo vi a Forlan jugar en el mundial del 2010, que bien pateaba ese guri.

Because they do cardio

play soccer?

Como le está yendo en Peñarol? Tiene futuro como dt?

most don't have as low as forlan.

players like Ronaldo are super rare (being under 10% bodyfat)

I'd say most are around 13-14% bodyfat.

Que se yo man, sólo miro fútbol cada 4 años, ojalá que bien, parece buena gente.

They eat complete crap (literally, they drink beer and eat junk food all the time), but they move everyday for hours, so they burn a shitload too.

It literally is calories in and calories out.

>They eat complete crap (literally, they drink beer and eat junk food all the time)

That was pre 2000s football only really in England until Wenger came into the game.

Footballers eat clean now.

Lel this reminds me that one of the reasons why Chile didn't qualify for the last WC is because their nigger filled team wasted time partying and drinking x failure.

they didn't qualify because of shit alexis sanchez

And also because of what I said.

op is a retard once again

>How are people that do constant cardio so low bf?

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What a stupid question

because their whole existence is based on running for hours and eating cleanly

thats just jamie vardy lmao

And now we have got that useless cunt.Fuck the Nino Maravilla,another waste of money

>Them digits

Cardio everyday.

because soccer is cardio

The average soccer player runs around 10.5km per match.

Do that

sprints too depending on the position

Nah their life is strictly monitored, its even in their contract. If they drink a beer or eat unhealthy they even have to pay fines. Its kinda ok because the club spends 100millions on them plus salary

Very simple, lots of cardio, eat at maintenance and don't do much lifting. Soccer players have some of the least aesthetic bodies in sport because the sport is based moreso on skill rather than strength.

how do they not have athletic bodies lmao? athletic to me is being defined not overly muscular

I think most pro athlethes nowadays do some lifting. Pic related is a alpine skiier, Marcel Hirscher. Doubt skiiers 30 years ago had upper bodies like that

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>strictly monitored diets with personal chefs
>high intensity cardio with state-of-the-art sport scientists
>profession based on speed, agility and stamina

Not rocket science

You can't perform for long eating shit

Oh really? Why don't you go tell Eddie Hall, the world record deadlifter that, homosexual.