Hey Yas Forums post your most prized pair of gloves

hey Yas Forums post your most prized pair of gloves

and get judged

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I fight bare knuckle, pussy

Why? Bare knuckles is ouchy ouch times.

Even MMA gloves are ouchy. 16oz for sparring only!

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Where my VENUM Chads at

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I impulse bought a pair of golden venum gloves when they were on sale on amazon.

The venum challenger 2.0.

My god what shit gloves. Never again Venum.

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u r very insecure

worked for me for the last few years idk what im missing so ill just keep using them

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Hell yeah user, I love these gloves. Do you have a bag you can use during quarantine?

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look up Top Dog Fights on Youtube american panzy

so cool dude, which one are you?

Hey boxing bros, what's a good weight of gloves to start hitting the bag as a newbie? I'm just looking to throw some punches and burn some calories.

16oz or more, especially if you've had no training. You'll be less likely to fuck your hands up with extra padding.

If you’re a big guy then 16s, if you’re smaller then 14s or even 12s will do, they have to be good quality gloves though. Most official sites will have a sizing chart that includes your bodyweight and fist size.

16oz to make the arms strong and protect your hands and wrists


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This. People who wear gloves are undercover gays

Worth every cent. Best gloves I ever had.

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incel trait #2357: hes into boxing

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I´m heavy and hit quite heavy sometimes.
I use 16 oz with 5meter bandages and I think that´s minimal, hands hurt anyway the first months

This. I have a pair in yellow

this. can recommend them for boxing

My cleto reyes. They hit hard and make the sounds they make on mitts and bags are very satisfying.

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Thats a shame, their rash guards are pretty good tbqhf

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jesus christ quit buying meme gloves from your local dick's sporting goods and get a pair of winnings or any of the cheaper clones

Got same pair different colour, cant wait to change for some fairtex or twins