Old people with gains

Can you maintain your gains if you are like +70 years old?

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You better believe I’ll be on test and whatever next gen drugs we got by then

When I’m old I will do stem cell therapy

When I'm old I'll shit myself and feel up the nurses


user I'm 30 so if you're talking +70 years old thatd put me at 100....

Of course I can maintain my gains. Nothing a vial of test of 3737472iu's of HGH cant fix damn nigga get a clue yah fuckin honkey ass bitch nigger maybe get your jaw off the floor and on my cock instead fkin flamer swear to fuck m8 u say that online and not into my face just 1 more time I'll put my.fist so far up your urethra you'll piss knuckle sandwiches

yeah but not natty

Why not?

he said 70+ you won't make it past 45

50+ with TRT yes

By 60+, probably not

no its to much work

Shit, it's Modi.


Why not though?

If you stay healthy and do constant exercise all your life I don’t see what should be the problem.

Test levels? It can’t be, some old people have higher test levels than younger basedboys

I hope you like being beaten by black women.

Joseph Joester is my goal when I’m +60

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you won't past this mont faggot.


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>yea who would even want that right?

can't wait to go full bear when im older

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If you go on a trt cycle, yeah. I see no reason why a 40 year old shouldn't jump on it (with a permission of a doctor ofc).
It makes no sense if you are 18-35 unless you try to compete, but for a 40+ year old? A slight test cycle to be on the same level as a 25-27 year old is preferable.

>we got by then
We won't have shit. It's always a dream for every generation but there is never any real progress.
And I wouldn't trust ""doctors"" even with test. Take half of what they give you.

Depends if you want to swap years of your life to do so

higher mass means your organs have to do more work, unfortunately your organs have already begun to fail because your old as fuck, this creates a negative loop that kills you quicker

I guess you would have to decide if its worth it or not.

Is looking good for another 10 years worth never seeing your grandchildren ?

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But you have to have sex to see your grandchildren

Post body

>but there is never any real progress
Uh, except for the 2000's when they discovered whatever the mass monsters started injecting


Yeah, do whatever Rich Piana did. Good luck.