Is this possible natty?

Is this possible natty?

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yes your friend is natty. stay jelly faggot

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comprehensive video on what is attainable natty

I love Will, absolute lad.

the veins on the arms give away that its not, unless he started this at a few years under 18. Even if that's the case, it's questionable. It's not roid abuse, but perhaps some peripheral gear


Dude is probably using some chemical assistance but you could get reasonably close in 5 years natty with good diet, routine, dedication, and

It’s always anabolic abuse.

nah look at vids of him 6 months ago and he's put on at least 10 pounds of muscle since then

Attached: fit.jpg (570x603, 45.01K)

Depends on which direction you want to go

>got farkin ripped
>intensified his weird stalker rapist face and his expressions show that he will always hate himself inside

didn't make it

It's not about the looks user, it's always about the mindset, you can gain 20 kgs of muscles and grow 10 inches, but you'll still be the same cynical hateful motherfucker you were ever since you could remember.

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>It's not about the looks user, it's always about the mindset

I know. that's why I've banged fucking hot ass chicks despite being a fat dyel and am now married to a great one.

lowering body fat does improve face.

Absolutely. That's natty as fuck.

He's got Kevin Bacon face. He'll be fine.

And higher test from losing the fucking fat and working out does too.

Yes this looks natty to me...looks like 3 years of hard lifting

I tend to be doubtful of fat people that "naturally" become ripped with barely any body fat since that tends to be the complete opposite of where their body wants to settle. Especially for his bulking phase, his natural genetics would be throwing fat all over his midsection. Instead it just looks like he's bloated and ate a big deal. So while it is possible he is natty it is exceedingly unlikely given that we know where his genes put him before.

more like kevin rapin face

>gigantic arm vascularity

thank you for your valuable input

>Thinks this is gigantic.
It's genetic my man, I in no way lift seriously or look half decent, but even when I OHP my forearms blow the fuck out and I can see dat bicep vein trying to make it's way out from under the fat, hell, when my bp rises for whatever reason I look like I'm on my way to rape somebody.

Vascularity comes from a combination of having low subcutaneous fat, either from a genetic "blessing" or a low bf%, and strenuous exercises over a long period of time that result in your blood vessels adapting by growing to accommodate more blood flow for improved performance.

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No, vascularity, for 90% of people, comes from steroids.

>your friend
this is some guy on YouTube, I forgot his name but he makes good videos imo. I like his icecream recipe it looks really good

remind me again why you're on a fitness board? does your wife ever seem unsatisfied with you? with your body? does it ever feel like she's left wanting more? more of a man? I mean think about it, you're a fat dyel, you're literally characterized by your weak will. You cannot accept someone else's love if you do not love yourself in the first place. Maybe your wife is lying to you when she says "it's okay I love dad bods".

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You’re a fucking idiot. Truly a special kind of stupid.

Imagine being this retarded
