Why the heck are asian girls like this?

Why the heck are asian girls like this?

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Because their men are pathetic manlets with small dicks that are obsessed with porn.

They're fetishised, just playing to their strengths. Easier to be a slut than a mathematician.

Lmfao @ the state of our jannies. I just got a 3 day ban for posting a thread about Thors 501kg deadlift. Guess I should have posted gooks, trannies, or gay shit

Have you seen asian guys?? All that needs to be said tbqh

It's a two-way fetish. They get off on WHITTU PIGGU, the dudes get off on QT3.14 AZN GF SO AVG.

The smell of BWC pheromones drives them crazy.
>Guess I should have posted gooks, trannies, or gay shit
Yes. What are you even doing, my man?


I guess I just hoped that I wasn’t surpassing this boards maximum allotment of 5% actually fitness related threads

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I love this hapa rageb8, kek

holy shit, white guys get the ugliest asian chicks.

That explains why all those hapa faggots are so god damned ugly

wonder what kind of person wrote this post

Wow this is a great fitness thread
>inb4 fitness dick in her mouth

Where's the webm, post that one

Bro it literally makes no difference at this point

>wonder what kind of person wrote this post

Attached: 32f.jpg (822x960, 45.95K)

full vid?

Attached: 1585379954923.gif (600x337, 1.99M)

There are a lot of fitness threads, they're all beginner questions that would be answered if they had just read the fucking sticky

>why yes, I do make fun of micropenis chinkcels. How could you tell?

Notice how mods don't do shit about BBC cuck posting? Make a joke about black guys only fucking fat chicks and watch how fast it's deleted. Jannies are fucking cucks.

God damn that is one ugly horseface gook.
>the making of Tenda Spencer and Elliot Rodger

Theyre made for bwc, why else?

haha yep. you never see the attractive ones race mixing

LMFAO imagine choosing THIS guy over a regular asian hahahhahaha


They’re not only legit cucks, but they don’t workout at all. I’m glad I learned how to evade bans so I can shit post and shit up this board like they seem to want. Might post my ballsack for the 7th time in the next couple days

Imagine you go your whole life only seeing 4 ft tall Chang's 2 incher, and then you meet a tall BWC Chad.

Attached: SmartSelect_20200417-212305_Chrome.gif (313x211, 912.29K)

Not only that, but actually getting fucked by BWC is like losing your virginity all over again. You experience pleasure you’ve never felt, he reaches depths of your pussy untouched, you get stretched. He actually has some fuck power in him. You get treated like a sloppy chink fuck toy by this hulking 6ft white alpha male and you still feel his cock in you days later, ghost dick.

Yeah, I’m gonna go on a trip to a gook country outlet to fuck local chinks and ruin them

No joke, I was a good goy for a decade but I finally caved in and learned to ban evade last year. The jannies were getting too fucking gay. Minding the rules here is a big meme. The janny retards facilitate shitposting.


Based and redpilled. Godspeed, user.

This place has gone to shit over the past few months man, I'm fucking sick of the incel posts, the hapa posts, the tranny posts, the black cock posters and the pol tards. Mods and jannies are doing a shit job.

asian women love white cock like white women love black cock

its a fucking fact of biology, its crazy as fuck