How much do you dumbbell press?

Is there a standard ratio of flat bench barbell bench to dumbbell bench incline or otherwise? current bench is 75 kg 3 x 5 and dumbbell is 25 kg 3 x 8
post yours

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60 5x5 flat bench
47 5x5 db standing shoulder press
5'7 130 lb manlet

my bad meant Dumbbell bench press.
>6'2 200lbs

>that lockout

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I was too busy staring at her tits to even acknowledge the existence of that leg press machine

Flat 70 lbs 3x7
Incline 60 3x8
5'10 180ish
Nah, no solid ratio for bb to db. There's some carryover but it's two differnt exercises.

guess ill try to work my stabiliser muscles more and get those numbers up

thats my db bench

to answer your op question, there probably is some translation. how i personally use this for my bodybuilding goals is i cap my flat bench and raise the standing press until they are at the same number. then do the reverse. the physiilogical cahnges are very fast, relatively speaking

must be much harder to raise your shoulder press numbers to flat bench no? or do you alter the repetitions you do

80 8x4 flat I can almost do the 85’s
70 10x4 incline

Barbell hurts my shoulder but last time I tried I did 185 x 3

My standing press is weak. About 105 5x5 and 45 4x10 dumbbell

what are you doing when benching that hurts your shoulders? are you pinning them back?

My dumbbell and bar bench numbers are the same as yours. So there might be something to your ratio theory. But I’ve only trained dumbbell bench for like 2 weeks so YMMV.

It the hand position that gets me. I think I would be fine with a multi grip bar but didn’t buy one before attack of the corona. Dumbbell don’t hurt at all.

Also I could barbell bench in my 20’s now at 46 it sucks.

120s for 8
110s for 15
100s for 20
flat Barbell
incline barbell

yes natty

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i will post physique at the end of this training

pretty much the same lol I've only started incline dumbbell bench recently hence me making this thread.
damn well whatever your stats may be you're probs still better off than most people your age

5’10” 185lbs. I have a 7 and a two year old. I like looking better than the dads in their 20’s and 30’s

Yeah, you'll usually db bench 20 kg less than bb bench. Say 100 kg bb bench, the equivalent would be 80 kg db bench. so 2x 40kg
In your case, 25x2 = 50
50 + 20 = 70.
Since you're bb benching 75 kg but with less reps, it's pretty much perfectly equal for you.

pic seems related
thanks for spoonfeeding me its nice to know whether or not you actually are where you should be in a given exercise.

Attached: TruebasedBoomer.png (1189x1151, 295.44K)

we're gonna make it, bros!

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When you stay in shape you don’t feel your age as much... but you get aches and pains that you never had in your 20’s.


damn hearing this as a 19 y/o zoomer makes me wanna get out more, was gonna get lean as fuck for summer but corona kinda stopped that plan.

is it weird if I want to sniff her asshole after this workout?

I just finished building my gym in December just in time for corona. Felt good the day I quit the gym. The girl there said she recognized me. I was wtf I come in at 3am. She tells me she watched me on the security cameras lol

always nice to get ahead of the curve, bit weird to watch niggas work out from the cameras but i'd probably do to same on that job.

Pic related is my small room setup that cost me about £300 with a few other knick-knacks which I'm pretty happy with

Attached: setup.jpg (777x1600, 72.23K)

Nice. Here is my setup. I have it in a 10x12. Tough shed.

Attached: 1EB33137-64F5-4EC8-8821-9C40A9EA5E7A.jpg (4032x3024, 1.95M)

Other side

Attached: A55FE295-A3F0-40D1-BBC7-40178837A205.jpg (4032x3024, 1.8M)

fuarrrk I don't think I'd want to leave if I ever went inside. shit looks dope. best wishes to you and your kids based boomer I'm off to bed

idk why but i struggle with db press, unless i do them one arm at a time i feel really unstable