How to go this mode?

How to go this mode?

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4 grams of gear weekly for 6 years straight

eat clean, take roids do carido and train once in a while.

why his face look like a gay little faggot face

where do i get a load of gear?

Don't know how gear works

a pharmacy, the internet, or an internet pharmacy.

What do you mean?

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>8 replies and no one said SS + GOMAD yet

his face is small got homo rape eyes nose too pointy gay trimmed/cropped beard

Who is he anyway?

does any 1 here actually wanna get this big??
like ive only met one person in my life who wants to be huge af like a professional bodybuilder..

serious dysmorphia going on bros

he's aesthetic
looks like a mens physique competitor with legs
so basically a 70-early90s ear bodybuilder which is most peoples inspiration

how Yas Forums has fallen

Honestly if you don't want to leave humanity behind and get swole as fuck, just get an elliptical and piss off.

Why wouldn't you want to look like this?

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>does any 1 here actually wanna get this big??
Yes, obviously you stupid pussy.


Oh it's Adam Charlton, blast from the past. He's bigger and less lean now. He looks a lot different, didn't recognize him.

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Wow, I knew that face and as soon as you said Adam Charlton it's all come back to me. He's from my hometown, Bedford, UK. I went to school there. He used to train with a guy called Marzio that my mate beat the shit out of. Marzio then took up 'bodybuilding', did loads of gear and now he's fat.

Good to see Adam's still in good shape tho

does he always open the door like this?

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What the fuck is up with that picture? Why are his hips glowing? It almost looks like they photoshopped a tan muscle body onto a pale faggots hips.

probably fake tan

Tan lines, you retard.

>be UPS guy
>be delivering package
>door opens
>see this

what do?

Guess I don’t look at enough faggot porn to know that tan lines mean glowing like a lightbulb below the navel.

>>give him package
>>ask him to sign paper
>>have a good day
>>walk away

>200 more deliveries to make in my shift

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It's because he's white, unlike you. I'm sure you're not used to seeing pale skin at all.

It really does.