How the fuck do i improve my sleep? I haven't had a restful night sleep in 4 years. Had a sleep study and the doc basically said "idk insomnia? lmao". maybe reducing blue light? fuck.
Sleep tight, Jay.
Try some magnesium works for me
turn off your WiFi router and phones and sleep away from cell towers
Plant thermite on cell towers at 3 am
unisom absolutely works
take two i think two is 50mg
sleep has been the bane of my existence for decades and unisom actually does work. i tried all sorts of shit
Thanks for the recommendations fellas. I've been getting at least 7 hours of sleep and everything. Only supplements ive ever tried was melatonin and it gives be weird ass dreams. I'll check these out and see if they help.
Stop masturbating, watching porn and consuming caffeine, worked for me
install it
Stop doing meth is a good start
Working on this myself rn. Got a fitbit a few months ago and it recorded my heart rate flying up randomly during deep sleep indicating sleep apnea as well as multiple awake episodes a night. Very unusual as im 21. Also unusual bc im pretty fit 6’1”, 155lbs, with ~1/2/3/4 and 13%bf tested. My prob i believe is that i do no cardio and my oxygen consumption (VO2 max) is poor leading to low oxygen levels while in deep sleep. I have not a restful night in years. Doing HIIT on a peloton bike while in quarantine. This has been proven to increase VO2 max by 10% in four weeks and 25%in 8 weeks. Im confident ill see results and if so ill make a thread sharing my info and what i did.
Hell yeah man, im 24 so i feel your pain. I workout 5-6 days a week be I havent done cardio in years. I might need to focus on that more.
weird dreams means you are in deep sleep. they are a good sign
do not even THINK of taking two unisom! Take 1!
Yea like i said im pretty confident this will fix it for me. Apnea is 3x more common in men than in women and im thinking its bc of the endurance role men have historically filled in surivival. Plus the HIIT study was 4x week for 20min/session. This is less than 90min a week so i have no excuse not to do it.
For me, I cut pre workouts and all other caffeine to less than 65 mg a week. Started about 4 weeks ago. I can high function on 6 hours of sleep and I pass out within 30 minutes from I hit the bed.
I also removed all tech from my room including my phone. It was tough at the start but after I broke the habbit I ended up waking before the alarm pretty refreshed and fell asleep faster.
wrong mate, brain only dreams in REM sleep deep sleep is for physical/mental recovery
get up early and dring a coffee
trust me, id follow labeled dosing instructions. last thing id ever do id take drug dossing advice off of Yas Forums lmao.
Just close your eyes for a really long time buckaroo. Works 100% of the time.
i think that's a load of shit
>haha Yas Forums retards i smart i no listen to em lmao
He literally said to take less not more, shut up faggot
was talking about you fucking goober.
holy shit doctors suck. so much these days i rhink self diagnosis will kill docs in the future in certain fields
Work harder. stop going online at least an hour before bed. Learn meditation techniques to control your breathing and ease your mind. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day(unless you've got a night out or party),
label has you at 25mg
i was right. my memory isn't great because i've been sleeping great lately so i don't take it. but 50mg will not hurt you. otc drugs are extremely conservative for obvious reasons with the recommended dose
if you've tried the usual stuff like physical exertion, no caffeine after whatever hour and no lights near your sleep area whatever the fuck
take unisom. it works. take 50mg
well the flash ruined that pic didn't it
sweet dreams king
yeah just looked over the website, gunna pick up a bottle here soon. thanks for the recommendation man.
you're welcome. and good luck. sleep is so important for anything and you only realize this for real when you've either had it and missed it, or missed it and had it
it has been the bane of my existence and i'm nearly 40. i swear i did everything and unisom works. im not some asshole trying to fuck with you on this board. and two of them is fine. it's a basic otc drug but my god did it ever work for me. i wish you luck. sleeplessness is a curse
if you ever think of it, because this board is basically shit, post your results.
it's not off-topic, either, because sleep is one of the most important things for fitness
Gabapentin promotes stage 4 sleep and is much more pleasurable than alcohol at recreational doses.
alcohol fucks with your sleep unbelievably
dude. isn't that neurontin?