Link to previous thread: Is there anything wrong with front squatting with a very wide stance? Just been doing front squat lately because I don't have enough weights for back squat and my stance is about wide enough that my legs form an obtuse angle with one another, I'm getting depth though.

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Keto + weightlifting = muscle mass?

Protein + weightlifting + proper sleep and recovery = muscle mass. Keto is one way to structure your diet to get more protein, there are others.

working on rolled shoulders, looking for some simple exercises with dumbells. what are some?

would using resistance bands be better?
was recommended by a friend at the gym but i am having no success.
need the collective knowledge of you autists.
currently studying some information online.

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Any experiences to share with microdosing or small quantities of LSD? I've done both acid and shrooms 3 times each to attain a true "trip" state for purely entertainment purposes, but I'm curious about taking a smaller amount for the sake of a potential revelation/enlightenment or psychological benefit.

keto is bad and can lead to weaker bones, carbs are good for you. just eat at least 30g of protein in every meal

What does it mean to "flex your glutes"? Is it just squeezing your ass in? I'm trying to do pic rel, but my legs start shaking violently and the stretch feels more in my knees than my waist so maybe I'm doing it wrong.

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how much fruit is too much? I eat 300-400 calories of fruit everyday. apple, banana, grapes, blueberries, strawberries. my average calorie intake is 2900 calories

I lift intermittently throughout the day, a few sets upon waking up, then 2-3 throughout the day and once more before I go to bed. Is this good enough or should I man up and get all my lifting done at one point in the day? I'm lifting back after a long time and don't wanna go ham and get hard DOMs.

don't do drugs

No such thing as muscles without carbs, not easily anyway. Look at the old days, you had slaves and gladiators who ate pure carbs for the most part, they didn't get the nice meat because it was too expensive. They all got jacked and were strong as fuck because of their daily volume of labor. Don't deny yourself tasty carbs, just focus on getting some protein in and lift hard.

how to fix my sleeping schedule bros
>woke up at 440 pm
>keep over eating from fucked up sleep schedule
>feel like shit
i want to sleep at 8pm like a normie again

Start introspecting, get a daily journal, meditate, read books to broaden your mind, and live a lifestyle that involves daily exercise. You'll get your own insights and get to know yourself much better, it's a better way to do this than to get some manufactured emotional high off a drug that may or may not work out for you. Do it right.

Get some willpower and stay up for one day, you'll get a second wind of sorts that'll help you stay wakeful and then you can pass out before 12am. Or if you can't do that for one day, get some modafinil, it'll keep you up. But just hack it yourself, it's the only way it works. Don't bother going to bed at 4am promising you'll be up and ready to throw yourself in the shower to wake yourself up 8am or something, you'll just disappoint yourself.

melatonin. helped me, along with a short walk before sleep. get in a routine for sleep, try different things and keep a journal, if you do not already.

Is this strength brosplit the best imaginable program?
>Monday chest
Bench in 3s, weighted dips in 5s
>Tuesday back
Deadlift in 3s, weighted chins in 5s
>Wednesday shoulders
the Press™ in 3s, BTN press in 5s
>Thursday legs
squat in 3s, front squat in 5s
>Friday arms
weighted chins in 3s, close grip bench in 5s
steep hiking trail for cardio and more legs
abs, neck, grip

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No, damn near zero time under tension.

Unironically, athlene x helped me immensely with this. I think the video Jeff posted was something called "fixing nerd neck"
Also face pullsNONNEGOTIABLE

Awesome, lotta fiber and micronutrients. Fruit and veg are amazing, don't let anyone tell you different

>time under tension
is this real, Yas Forums?

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Are there any racks still in stock that don't have month+ shipping times?

how much protein should i actually be eating in a day? getting about 200g a day in about 1800 calories, which seems like a lot but i cant find consistent info

i went from about 350 lbs to now about 240 (6' 3") in the course of a year and i wanna stick the landing at about 200, but with some muscle mass so i dont have to bulk it back up immediately

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>athlene x
just watched a video on this, let me post.
always knew about neck pulls but never gave it much thought. the video i posted suggested a few things, one being a ball between your shoulder blades as you sit. thanks for the input.

agreeing, keto is shit

Another thing that helped me is getting a McKenzie Firm Lumbar Roll on Amazon. I work 8 hours a day plus 2 driving and it keeps my posture perfect the entire time.

8 hours a day desk job**

just aim for 130-180g a day and up calories a bit as you get closer to 200. maintenance caloric intake is best for fat loss and muscle gain

I have pulsatile tinnitus in my left ear, only hear it when I'm lying down, I've lost 40 pounds since January and feel perfectly fine, wtf is wrong with me
To add I had this a month ago and it went away

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Does working out chest (e.g. pushups) increase shoulder width?

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thanks brother

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also try to eat 5 meals if you can, 3 hours apart from each other each with around 30g of protein. 200g lentils + 100g eggs is 400 calories and 29g protein, comes out to 2k calories and 145g if you eat just that

Melatonin gave me the worst nightmares of my life.

Probably very minimally. Shoulder width is mostly about the lateral delts which don't have much activation during a bench press, or pushup. You'll want to isolate them with lateral raises.

If I hit biceps 3 days in a row because I'm a retarded curl bro, can I work tris tonight and be fine, or should I just be hard resting today?

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living has given me the worst nightmares in my life

Will high volume get me anywhere in terms of building moosclehs??

I haven't left my apartment in a month and I've been doing exercises with my bowflex dumbbells and body weight

an average workout will be:
x100-150 bodyweight hindu squats
x200-250 pushups
x100-125 standing DB curls @25lb.
x100 DB lateral raise @15lb. (form breakdown still bad unfortunately)
x200 situps
1:00-2:00 plank to finish
All within 2 hours.

The pump looks great and the soreness still acute - needing 24-48 hours between workouts - but idk if I'm actually building..

What about bone structure, once you're already an adult? Swimmers in their teens get wider, some bodybuilders also seem to increase their actual skeletal build but I'm not sure if this is just muscle or actually just bones getting more seperated or sum shiet. Typing this sounds retarded, but I swear some people have gained more than a few inches of actual width per shoulder, would be very strange if that were 100% muscle.

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melatonin also gives me insane night terrors, same with most sleep aids
glycine can cause really vivid dreams, which can be unnerving, but i always wake up feeling well rested at least, unlike all the others

>restrict yourself to 2 hours online per day and ONLY before 12pm
>buy some orange safety glasses, start wearing at sunset
>2 hours before bed: 300mcg melatonin + 2 tablets magnesium glycinate + lemon balm supplement

I do all of these except for introspecting, what do you mean by that?

How much do you take for sleep?


holy fuck, yes, I mad. My gf's brother came over and broke the swivel on my adjustable bench, now I have a seated bench.