Early hair loss

What's the point of even being alive if you're balding at a young age? I'm in my early twenties and I've been balding since I was a teenager and for the last 2 years of balding there's a bit noticeable Norwood 5/6 balding (it's not like I'm complete Norwood 6, it's just that there's a lack a huge amount of density in that kind of pattern. I can still cover it up with my hairstyle, but that will not work in the long term). I've been feeling depressed for years now and it feels like the balder I go, the worse it gets in terms of mental health. I feel like without my lusty hair it's not worth it anymore. I feel like no matter how good things will get in the future, I will not feel complete without my head full of hair.

>inb4 ''just shave it off lol''

Even though I'm not a bad looking guy, I have very androgynous features and I will look weird. I fucking hate my ridiculous hair genes.

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Black guys can pull it off plus they have huge dicks. Partys over boyo

Try finasteride if it bothers you

Yeah but they have shitty coarse hair that looks like shit if they let it grow out. That's why lots of black females either stretch their hair or do dreads and males just shave it off most of the time.

Black men have way more variety of hairstyle they can pull off - bald, waves, braids, dreads, afro. Idk where your from but Black people not taking care of their hair is incredibly uncommon

get on finn and minoxidil NOW. the earlier you start the better

I've been taking finasteride for a dozen of weeks now. I know it's too early to see any results but it's hasn't stopped my shedding either. I feel like it's just a band aid but we'll see how it'll work. No side effects though, at least.

Am I balding, Yas Forums?

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Thankfully I have already saved enough money for an operation.
Plus it won't be in a shithole like Turkey, worth spending a few more bucks for some qualitty service.
You should do the same.

early stages of recession. start finn if you want

Imagine spending thousands of dollars to cope with having bottom of the barrel genetics. You hate to see it

Yeah but they're always in damage control, especially females. It's time consuming in order to maintain a hairstyle, where as Europeans/East Asians can just grow out their hair naturally with no special care and it will still look good.

hapa's law

Your genetic destiny is sealed — embrace it. There are actual worthwhile things that you have control over. Your hair isn't one of them. Drugs "hair systems", and the myriad of other copes are PATHETIC. Don't be pathetic.

I have mine scheduled too, not gonna be in Turkey either. Gonna have my temples filled in, but my biggest fear is not having enough grafts for future transplants because of my noticeable balding pattern at the bottom portion of my crown. There's only so much donor grafts available.

Lol thats like saying people who bathe or workout everyday are “always in damage control”

Fucking hell I hope it isn't. I've always had kind of a widows peak hairline (pic related is hairline from 7+ years ago) and as you can see from the previous pic I also have a receding forehead. So I am never sure if I'm actually balding or if it's just my actual hairline and I'm just being paranoid. But fuck finasteride and minox. I'm getting a damn hair transplant if/when it falls off.

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Better than being depressed for the rest of your life, hair transplants are a good option but they're not miraculous if one doesn't have a decent donor area.

Hmm yeah, not really.

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Suppose you lose hair to the point that you need a hair transplant. The hair you transplant will still eventually fall off due to DHT sensitivity. You're gonna have to use finn eventually if you care about your hair so you may as well start now.

Tried minoxidil for 6 months, shittiest thing on earth with no results. On fin atm.

bro, you need both for best results. min on its own is shit

okay bro ur being a bit delusional diving into semantics that hard. sorry but the brutal redpill is literally shave it. you haven't swallowed it yet but you should. I see a dude with a receding hairline that hasn't buzzed it off I laugh at him. it's a sign ur insecure and holding onto to something gone. accept it. shave it

The hairs you transplant are immune do DHT, or at least not as sensitive to DHT. That's why doctors remove donor hairs from the ''safe zone''.

Does fin grow hair back? Or just stop hair loss

Some people have regrown on fin. It varies, you'll only know if you try.

I am trying it atm. My peaks have receded a bit, similar to the user a few posts above. I’m hoping it grows back. I’m 29 atm, hair isn’t thin at all but my dang temples have slowly receded a bit.

You’re fine. This is me at 24

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Nah mate, not delusional. It actually looks this bad, plus my mid scalp and crown is also losing density.

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And my crown also. It looks even worse sometimes depending on the angle and lighting. You can clearly see a horseshoe shape in progress. Worst hair genetics ever ffs.

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Dude, doesn't look that bad. We're the same age and mine's pic below yours. I would kill to have a hairline like yours. Last time I had some sort of a similar hairline, I was perhaps 14.

>tfw skeltal but amazing hair
feel blessed

Delete this post, this is a thread for balding anons

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>hanging out and hearing my two bald friends talk about my hair with slight annoyance almost like they hope ill be bald too

dont curse me

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>former alcoholic
>former chain smoker
>former druggie
>former workaholic

People in my family just have really good hair genes in general. Beard isn't amazing though.

min just open up blood vessels so nutrients get to your hair, fin block DHT from being created so it doesnt inhibit growth. you need fin more than min, but studies show both work together better than just fin

lmfao it really do be like that