Anyone here in the military...

Anyone here in the military? I'm sick of working shit minimum wage jobs and I'm not smart enough to get a real job so I'm wondering about the military

I'm wondering how fit I need to be and if I'm already too old at 29 years old

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Forgot to add I'm in Ontario Canada

The max age to join sf is 28 in case you were thinking of that

Basically just want any job that isn't minimum wage

get a degree

Thinking about my country, Spain, yes you still can join the army and they won't treat you like shit for being 29 that happens when you are 40

You're overestimating my intelligence, I think I'm borderline retarded. I'm just smart enough to appear functional in the real world

try the french legion

Oh also I forgot to add I'm a tranny, idk if that matters

Gtfo here, OP here I'm not a tranny

You arent that old

The kikes that use this unfunny meme need to drown like the pussies that they are

>not a tranny

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You don't join SF just out of boredom, retard. They drill your ass so hard, you need to be born with the iron not even Yas Forums has in it's prime.

If you're looking for long term job that pays reliably, it's a good option. I did 2 years and considered doing it for longer but then again, you get similar options in the military just like anywhere else.
>stay low rank, don't get a lot of responsibility, you're a slave for pretty much anything
>get higher rank, requires you to visit military schools and such, you get responsibility with more payment

Depends on a lot of factors, like what your position is, what your job is, who your superiors are. I met people in the same ranks who hated their lives and some who saw it as their dream job. Try it out if you're interested, recruiters are always looking for people and depending on your country, a lot of the NATO states have regulations where you can quit early if it really doesn't suit you.

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Do trades

I wouldn't suggest it user...

>i want to murder strangers for substandard pay, irrevocably ruining peoples' lives including my own

kill yourself faggot.

I applied to the CF for infantry and combat engineer in grade 12. Couldn’t make the vision standard for combat trades but was offered radios - denied it and went to university instead.

What do you do OP? OSAP is pretty generous. You should join the reserves and go to college. I highly recommend college programs with co-op placements. You’ll make at least $8k from the co-op terms and get a bunch of money from OSAP. As well you’ll graduate with valuable work experience.

If you’re set on CF you should browse their reddit page recruiters post there. Make sure you gain employable skills in the military. Say your back or knee gets fucked - you’ll be fucked if you were just in infantry

>do trades

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Arty guy here. Its deacent pay for how little we work and how much time off we get. Full health coverage.

When we work, we work. When we dont, we really fucking dont work. I wouldnt do this job with a family but many do. I think the marriage suffers as most arnt actually happy.

I enjoy it but the CF are out of shape and fat as fuck. Honestly, our standards for combat
trades are abysmal in my eyes. I got gold in the fitness test and I was in better shape out of the military living back home in the mountains.

Its what you make of it at the end of the day. If i could do it again i do a spec trade that would carry over into civi life.


Haha big gun go BOOM

Not intelligent enough, I currently deliver drywall

I don't have a gf and definitely wont be having a family or anything like that

my bf is a marine
we're gay btw

I'm trans btw

Apply then man. You only got 3 or 5 years to lose if you dont like it or you could VR if you really hate it. Might as well make some cash and memories and buddies. Will take a bit cause were currently all fucked up with this Covid thing but ya, send in an application.

>those fuckin hats
>allowing neck tattoos
>fuckin fatasses in uniform
Lmao no wonder canada never does anything

you're allowed to have a beard, turban and smoke weed in the canadian military, its a joke

We have a guy with a beard here in burger army. He had to claim he was muslim for them to let him keep it (he's white as shit but because of equal opportunity they couldn't call him on it)

there are tons of black guys in the army who get a shaving profile to keep stubble since they say that their coarse curly hair can't be shaved without causing ingrown hairs.

It's kinda true for some of them, it's like their entire face becomes covered in zits. They're not white either so they look greyish and just gross. Lots of fuckers abuse it anyway despite that electric razors don't cause it

you can have a turban in the US Army as well. My friend from high school is a Sikh who is fluent in Punjabi. He was told he could commission as an officer without having to get rid of his turban. The military is very interested in getting fluent Punjabi speakers since that region in Pakistan is a terrorist hotbed.

yeah it's definitely a real issue for Blacks. But most black guys have pretty sparse facial hair to begin with so they can usually get away with shaving.

You know there are white muslims, right?