Am I going bald?

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nah lookin good m8

Don’t worry the hair on your head just migrated to your ass

just a mature hairline

What do you think?

nah bruv you're fine

Hard to say, man. You got photos from any other angles?

you're practically dead. hope you already had your "white" kids

I do have a hairy bum

Nothing to worry buddeh, looks just like a bit of seasonal shedding before the summer

I did. Thanks brutha

My hair started thinning quickly when I graduated high school for about a year or so then stopped, I'm thankful but I don't know what caused my hairloss to halt.

And no I was never on roids.

Shahar is that you? I thought you only posted on Yas Forums


Nah brutha. Just some metis half breed with a receding hairline :(

I was going to say shave it off but after being enlightened recently on how shit being bald is I would suggest you get FUE transplant. I’d say you’re a nice guy so stay strong. There’s a cure out there

Am I going bald?

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Nah Mango

Yeah. Early stages though. You probably got another decade before you're costanza tier.

Awesome. Thanks bros

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Ya Mango

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just go mohawk mode

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Thanks Creatine!

Youre good bro, just looks like a bad angle + bad lighting. Keep slanging

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Not bad, you should be able to hop on Nofap and cure that in about two months


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Go on nofap for 4 days. It made me fully regrow my hair after being bald for 8 years.

>get in the car brah. we're gonna take steroids until our heart explodes at 22 years of age

just a norwood 1.5

kek if only it was that easy