I drank mine through chocolate flavored straw. It was hilarious. So cool
I love having guy friends
Now off to destroy them in gym and soccer. Bye!
I drank mine through chocolate flavored straw. It was hilarious. So cool
I love having guy friends
Now off to destroy them in gym and soccer. Bye!
god I want her to gag on my dick
Imagine those cute lips working their way up a BBC before taking the whole thing in her mouth... gagging choking and drooling precum on her nubile tits before bending over to get her wet pussy stretched and creampied by BBC
What is with the obsession with Black dick around here? Will never understand
U hav problem
I hope u fix ur problem
Is milk drinking some kind of slang like lean for codein?
BBC most likely
Im dying lolin.
Based BBCposter
Stop it. Get help.
God I wanna hug her and have her tell me "it's okay to OHP just do what feels natural to you!" before saying I love you and we fall asleep, but I can't because I'm 5'9 and brown. It's over for me bros I was born subhuman and if I lift then I'll just be a yolked subhuman lmao.
What kinda help does girl like me need? I feel like I have everything. Confidence, looks, beauty. I am the strongest person on planet.
Surrounded by friends and family :3. Love the fact that I have guy friends
Benis hahahahha
ur a whore. Or a tranny. Both Subhuman. Kill yourself.
I hate this fucking board.
Racism outside of Yas Forums.
literally psyops to keep Yas Forums from ever being politically relevant
Yas Forums will never be politically relevant. Literally filled with genetic dead end incels
>Yas Forumstards thinking they will every be relevant
It’s time to go back faggot
dilata maricón
Interracial BBC sex is racist?
It's the cure to racism
>god I want to tribute her until she calls me good boy
I want to breed her with BIG BLACK COCK
Can moot please just come back and nuke the entire site already?
You got black dicks on your mind user
All women crave being dominated by BBC
it's a handful of transgenders (srs) and part of their mental illness is seeking BNWO (Black New World Order) becuase they are attracted to black men, the same men who would ironically curb stomp the tranny to death if approached in the street
This site is so obsessed with BBC nobody even asks about my milk drinking competitions or grab ass I play with boys... I am so disappointed in u boys!!
If someone likes BBC they like BBC, who cares?
one of my motivations for getting Yas Forums is to get a cute latina wife
>implying it's not their own incurable autism and projection that's keeping them down
i guess it's comforting to have a boogeyman to bitch about
Name of sloot?