Is skateboarding a legit way to get fit?

Is skateboarding a legit way to get fit?

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fuck fuck fuck

Yeah most skaters I’ve known are in pretty good shape. You gotta be careful for skaters leg though, it’s a real thing. Learn goofy/regular and switch often you’ll be balanced.

A better way is fucking black chicks with fat asses kek hard rough BWC anal for the ebony fuck toys blasting their ovarian walls with your genetically superior seed drowning them in gallons of cum ragdolling them and calling them nigger queens while they squirm in pure ecstasy, just them knowing a big white man is plowing them mercilessly will make them cum emt alone actually getting stroked out and having their gaping asshole filled with nut

yes im skating for 10+ years
because its fun and exercise is just a bonus

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is coffee good for you?

You Yankees have fucking problems.

Rollerblading is unironically much more Yas Forums (physically, not mentally or spiritually)


Yeah his based levels are clearly through the roof

Been skating for 20 years and I'm far fitter than a normie, it's very physically demanding. Just don't expect it to make you swole.

What's important is how tough it makes you. Don't try to fight a skater, even if you're bigger/stronger. Our stamina and pain tolerance is incomprehensible, I've personally thrown myself down a 10 stair for 5 hours straight. and that's not abnormal.

Is coffee good for me?

No it is shit tier for skelly meth addicts

Blacks have STDs at a shockingly high rate.

so do white women

At least post a real skate qt

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not fit but a fun way to burn calories

>took so many cocks,vagoo clearly numb
Nice "qt" you got there


You don’t like skateboarding?

Id pound the black off that niggers ass

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>got a mixed girl on tinder last week
>She probably lied about her age but oh well
>Amazing sex, let me bust a fat raw nut in some chocolate puss
>I've been converted

Black ex broke up with her BF and wants my attention now. I’m not gonna date her, but I’ll always destroy a black chicks pussy. Should I make it clear we’re not gonna date but that if she wants some dick she can get it? Or should I go the manipulative route and make her think she has a chance with me just to pump and dump?

I remember as a kid in high school every girl was just curious about sex and big dicks. All theyd talk about is giant dicks and big hands and big feet. All girls but black girls.

They just didnt care about big pp’s and we always had wholesome convos. Even the ghetto girls i knew just didnt care about big dicks. We’d talk about how when were grown ups we’ll buy our mom a house or car and then things got hot fast.

Black girls are really under appreciated

Be friendly but dont bullshit

White men have small penises so your whole premise doesnt make sense

this is cultural appropriation

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White men are seen as beta bux providers, this has been true since the beginning of time

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That is so adorable