Is sex four times a day bad for gains? Me and my quarantine gf just can't get enough

Is sex four times a day bad for gains? Me and my quarantine gf just can't get enough

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>4 times a day
man no girl can go 4 times a day without injury

Nice try incel, back to r9k now Hushhush.


What are you on about?

Found the virgin

found the dicklets

Yes. That’s too many. Can you do it without cumming except once. That would be fine

get out of here you filthy white supremacist

get out of here you filthy commie

get it cuz the numberinos

yes you lose all your gains through the expulsion of your seed and are practicing poor sex magick

>quarantine gf
don't talk about your mother that way

Sex: probably not but keep hydrated, eat well, and plenty of sleep.
Masturbating on the other hand, is gains killer.

It will increase your test levels the more you fuck her.

Your primal caveman brain probably thinks you're fucking tons of hoes in your little hut.. So you will start producing more sperm and more test. Proven theory google it.

t. Never had a horny-ish gf

I infact never had a gf

One day you will have a girl who wants to have sex all the time. It can be really hard, actually.

Based sex having get man

IDK ask you're mom

It’s actually pretty stressful. My gf wants to fuck all the time. Only rest days I have are when she’s on her period and even then she sometimes wants anal.

jelly. my gf has a low sex drive, only thing thats hurting our relationship from my pov. Would be perfect for me if she would want it everyday

>married a month before quarantine
>wife has baby fever
>was great at first
>now literally experiencing succubus drain
>glutes, and and hamstrings blasted from thrusting
>can only stay hard because I put Cialis back in my cycle
>the body grows weak, Yas Forums

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Honestly I am not always in the mood and irony is that it’s usually when she wants it the most. It was perfect at the start of our relationship tho so sex 7 times a day was kinda normal. We weren’t even going out, we would rather stay at home and fuck all day.

what are you doing here? Go put a baby in her

We've done it twice and it isn't even noon yet

>Had sex when we woke up this morning
>Was actually really great
>Made breakfast, fucked in the living room
>Also great
>But I'm definitely done for today and she's going to try to squeeze one or two more out of me before the day is through

white women are so great aren't they

Get some zinc or something, your loads won’t be so exhausted

nigga you have never been with a girl who is obsessed with you, they are sick, to the point when you don't even want to fuck anymore and they keep demanding

i had sex 3 times a day everyday during a 3 year period with my ex and man, it got me fucked up, i was tired, sleepy and started to lift less weight, be careful user

You're right in that no chick could do that multiple days in a row unless you're using liberal amounts of lube from the start or you have a very small dick

I know this shit.

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Pretty sure that's only true if it's actually a different girl every time

>been with gf for two months
>been making out alot and cuddling etc
>still haven't had sex with her

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