Fit... help

Fit... help..

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Testosterone, diet, exercise... Start slowly.

Stop eating you fat Fuck

i left some mcdonalds on the counter, help yourself

Start drinking black coffee, it helped me. Be aware of what you’re eating, check the back of boxes and see what the serving size is. Don’t drink soft drink, the stuff is poison. It will be slow, but overtime it will get easier.

how slow?

These two helped me the most.

This one might work too because it's a possible appetite suppressant I'd also add Green Tea

t.ex-fatty, now DYEL because of closed gyms

Not sure how real this is, but the first thing you should do is cut soda. The sugar in it is giving you all those calories, swap it with water (flavored if you have to) and track your weight from there. If you're still not losing anything, get myfitnesspal (calorie tracker) and punch in what you eat in a day. Let's say you get 4000 calories, cut that back to 3750. At this point, you SHOULD start losing weight since you're consuming less that normal.

Don't be a retard and think you can do 1000 a day to cut fast. Take it slow, and if you feel you can handle it, go down another 250 calories. It'll take a while since you're going so slow, but it should prevent getting a fuck load of excess skin. I also hear water fasting can get rid of any, but wait until you're sub 200 to start looking into that.

Once you do get to sub 200lbs, take up cardio to get rid of the rest of your weight and unfuck your cardiovascular system. Then start lifting (greyskull or stronglifts, if you don't have weights just do calisthenics). This should also help "fill in" some of that excess skin with muscle. Once you're "okay" weight-wise you can start looking into bulking and cutting seasonally to get gains. Be very careful you don't relapse on the bulking though. Good luck user.

If he does 10 mins everyday on threadmill after a week he will see a big difference. Eat less too obviously but don't just eat vegetables as this is unsustainable. for example, have a coffee instead of a choco bar for energy/relief from boredom

Between 1 and 2 pounds lost per week if you do things right, maybe more in the first month. Slow and consistent is the best and most sustainable way to lose weight, after a while it will be so easy that it will feel very natural

Literally just stop eating lol

But then I'm in a really bad mood and can't get any work done or concentrate on anything

Deal with it fatty

Cardio and diet my fat piece of shit friend. Hell maybe even get addicted to aderrall you fat fucking cool dude.

Not him, but eat less. Stop snacking, that's the reason most fatties are fatties is because no matter what they're doing, they're snacking on something or drinking soda. If you just cut those two things down you'd see results

This, my fat wonderful obese magnificent bastard

start slow. run 5 mins on the treadmill.. then build up

For the long term OMAD or Warriot Diet,It will take 2-3 months for a decent body,then you can keep doing it for like 6 months or more to have an actually good looking physique.
Wouldnt suggest fasting to you because you are just too fat and will gain back the weight as soon as you stopped kek.


To lose 2lbs of weight a week is around 7000kcals.

Roughly a 1000 calorie a day deficit.

>Roughly a 1000 calorie a day deficit.
Thats too easy for a fat dude like OP,with just a bit of cardio he can easily be in the 1500 calorie deficit per day territory

Help yourself fat fuck.
>read the sticky

OMAD + Keto + 48/72 hours fasting on weekends

12% BF in 6 months guaranteed

its so hard though

Then stay fat.

>Dude is fat as fuck and probably needs +3000 kcal to maintain
>Yeeeey lets reccomend him the most extreme diet I can think off surely he wont bounce back or not follow it, what cant go wrong?
1000-1500 kcal deficit on the daily is more than enough for him depending on how lazy he is.
+ He will not loose only pure fat he will also lose a lot of water weight so in reality he will lose about 4 pounds on the weekly of weight(not all fat)if he follows this

Gib milkies

Stop eating fatTie

How did you guys do it? FAST

read the fucking sticky retard

Take appetite suppressants.

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