I miss the dorms, I only lived there for a semester and stayed in my room most of the time. I'm 25 now...

I miss the dorms, I only lived there for a semester and stayed in my room most of the time. I'm 25 now, how can I recreate this dorm life and college pussy? Should I just get admitted into the dorms by a freshman and live it up in there?

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Should I just get a house with a BBQ at Penn State Main or go to a southern college?

grow up child

lol thats pathetic. literally grow up you fucking loser

I see you two have already lived the dorm life and now are projecting

I never lived in a dorm, I'm not a pleb like you. The pic in the OP looks like a childs room. Go suck on your mamas titties you pathetic fag.

OP here, I have hatched an idea. I shall actually live on campus since it is that the SOPHOMORES start to dwindle in dorm population and into the real houses of college life

tl;dr I'm just trying to get as close to college girls and their living situations as possible.

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It's pretty sad and creepy to keep living like a teenager while being older. It's only fun to live the dorm life when you're the same age as everyone else.


Fuck, I just missed out. Kinda sucks but whatever, I'm only 25. Best to just live on campus I guess

Dorm life was great for that point in my life. Our dorms were indoor-facing and had co-ed buildings, so 1 floor down was the women. We had fun parties, lots of shenanigans; playing black ops online across the hall from each other, running in an sabatoging their shit if they were winning; pajama parties with the women down stairs; always having friend/roommate bro to shoot the shit with; it was good times.

But that was then and now I'm 30 and I would fucking hate it. I'm past having roommates, I love having my own space where everything is mine and I can do with it as I please. No mis-matched schedules or strangers I don't know in the house, just me and my gf.

Nvm, I'm alright with it. I just wasn't proactive or outgoing.

kill yourself, coomer nigger

Grow up child

>missed out
Trust me it wasn't anything special. Don't idolize it like the virgins around here idolize sex. If you want the dorm life of always being woken up, trying to sleep while your neighbors are blasting their bass at 3am, drunken assholes fighting outside your room, etc etc Just move to san francisco and box yourself in with 3 strangers (or live in those weird fucking 20 person communes). The idealism and magic of it will quickly face when you find your bunkmate got drunk and vomited in your bed trying to climb up to his.

>Best to just live on campus I guess
But why? Why do you want to be surrounded by 18-20 years old? Live your own life.

I'm also 25, I started college last year at 24 because I was a high school dropout. You don't feel younger when you hang out with younger people. You only witness their lack of maturity. You feel alone. It's not pleasant, trust me.

Well this is Yas Forums so I'm actually in the dorms for all the 18 year old puss. I want to be surrounded by them. Maybe I can be a landlord and rent out a multi-family to college girls and live in the basement and jerk off to them and maybe have sex with them.

You see, now that I am 25, I am thinking beyond my horizons. I know that I have missed out solely on my age, but it is still possible.

I always look to Hugh Hefner for this same exact dream.

>I'm also 25, I started college last year at 24 because I was a high school dropout. You don't feel younger when you hang out with younger people. You only witness their lack of maturity. You feel alone. It's not pleasant, trust me.

This is super true.

I loved my college experience. So much fun, so many parties etc etc. I had friends who were freshmans when I graduated, so I of course went back to see them a few years later in their senior year. I was ready to jump back in and party and have fun with some new people, but the first think that shocked me was how young everyone was. I was like did they let highschoolers in?

Then it was super obvious how immature they were and in a totally different phase of life. They looked at acted like kids and it was blew away any ideas in my head I had about me not changing since college. I think that visit was what allowed me to shake off the ghost of college being a place I wanted to go back to. The 5 year reunion was worse, and I'm sure it will be totally alien by the 10 year reunion coming up.

>fall for the college lie
>all my roommates are indian
>everyone else in my building is chinese
>they can supposedly speak English yet never do
>I signed a year long contract for this

yeah, you never been in a dorm room cause you would know that every building gets assigned a fuckin super visor. That supervisor makes sure shit doesnt happen inside the dorms. You have to make it to one of the other more private on campus private living areas or to the sorority/frat houses to get to the parties.
Of all the things to roleplay, why the fuck woudl you roleplay as a college graduate?

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>deciding to go to harvard law over fsu business
not sure if you are roleplaying as a retard or an actual retard

>hat supervisor makes sure shit doesnt happen inside the dorms. You have to make it to one of the other more private on campus private living areas or to the sorority/frat houses to get to the parties.

It's obvious you don't know how different campus life is from one place to the next lol.

Our RA's were in the middle of the dorms (horshoe shaped), but they were pretty carefree most of the time. We only had one nazi RA the whole time I was there.

Pajama parties were fine because everyone was fine with it. Drinking was always in the room with the doors closed, we only had campus security called on us once, but as long as shit was in cups, they didn't care.

Also I love the idea that

>That supervisor makes sure shit doesnt happen inside the dorms.

Means no one in college drinks of has parties. lmao

>That supervisor makes sure shit doesnt happen inside the dorms.
not that user but...
Of all the things to roleplay, why the fuck woudl you roleplay as a college graduate?

It's not the like the supervisors (RAs) could just no knock your door. They would only bother you if you needed to be hospitalized, and if your door was locked they could knock, but you had plenty of time to hide your shit.

It's pretty sad to get old. Right now I'd really enjoy having a roomate around.

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the sun is too hot and bright, I’m going for a walk on the beach

Well I'm not one to judge. If you only want sex with college girls do what you think is best to achieve your goal. I can only advise you to keep an eye on your future because you will get older faster than you might think.

I'll live on campus and maybe have fun for an hour or two a day with college girls and get back to my work.

my bad, forgot my campus had someone come with a gun. We had stricter rules on who to let into dorm buildings.

don't do this, women can smell the desperation and immaturity

t. retard

I sometimes miss dorm life as well. I got lucky, had an awesome roommate and made great friends with the guys all in the same hall. Was an awesome time just having all your friends living next door.

Of course its not without its heavy downsides. Shared bathrooms, shower shoes, noise when you're trying to sleep, lack of privacy, etc. Best to remember it fondly and move on I guess

>women can smell
bro, everyone is going to see your loser status. This isn't about women at this point if this is your life

the shitty roommates are always the dorks and geeks. dont know what it is about them but they are always a bunch of assholes pretending they are nice