Fat pullups thread

fat pullups thread
how fat are you and how many pullups can you do? fat people only
i am 90 kg at 175 cm and can do 15 pullups

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111kg 193 cm tall and I can do about 6-8 in a row before my form breaks.
Used to be so weak I couldn't even dead hang on a bar.


my bac

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Looking big buddy. Now cut

Where can I do pullups????

You really gained some weight man. On meds it's a bit inevitable I guess. Good looking pullups tho. I can only do about 10 and the last ones are a real struggle

Impressive I can only do like 11 at 70kg bodyweight

Post your pic when you where lean.

350lbs and I can still do 15 reps, when I get down to 200lbs I should easily be able to do 100

i cant to pullups because my doors are too narrow, but parallel i can only do 6-7 im 138 at 6'

Get one of those door gym pull up bars, they're cheap as fuck and they're great.

I'm 5'7" at 155-160lbs and I can do 20 whole reps (no kipping, from deadhang). My advice for someone starting doing them is to do them every other day, with sets till failure. When I started I could only do 6 even though I was only 140lbs, and now I can do more even though I'm heavier

255lbs 6 pull ups

Post pullups. That'd make you stronger at the movement than most professional strongmen

A lot of guys just straight up do them wrong user

I have a buddy who's a 220lbs fatass who was claiming he could do 25 reps, I called bullshit so he offered to show me and prove me wrong. Turns out he was doing them completely wrong - after each rep he was putting his feet on the ground, and using momentum to pull himself up. And even then he wasnt even going high enough up

Judging from some of the numbers I see posted here I suspect a lot of anons are counting them wrong too. Most of them are probably kipping, swinging or not doing the full range of motion

Bro your body is god tier without the extra weight. I'd recommend intermittent fasting or even a multi day fast, but hey I'm just some faggot. Worried about you king

They said FAT. Gtfo lanklet.

haha i thought he meant phat, you know like you hit phat squat hehe



95KG 187cm 5good pullups. Gotta make it 10 at 99kg then bulk

10 at 90*

38 Pull-ups

8kg too much is fat by fit standards right?

I'm 152kg, I cannot and have never done a pull-up.


I'm 85kg and can only do 10, but that's better than doing 4 which is where I was when the lockdown started.

like 2 but I am 250lbs

230 at 6'2

I can do 8. When I got down to 185 I could easily do 15 though

6’2” 250(247 today) 7. I typically do 50+ total pull-ups in a single workout though. I break it up into sets of 5 and 3 reps. When I’m lean at 185lbs I hope I’ll be able to do a fuckload of them in one set. If I can do like 20 clean pull-ups after this cut is over I’ll probably start training to go after the record, I like them

You must be strong as fuck.

what the fuck is wrong with you

230 at 5'10"

Did BW+95 for 3x10 last week.

183cm and 95kg, can do 18 in a row.