How tall were you when you were 15? Did you grow any taller after that...

How tall were you when you were 15? Did you grow any taller after that? Also take the damn bloatmaxx pill already you twinks.
Pic unrelated

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>op is under 18

Hey there, manlet powerfatter.

I grew atleast another 10cm from 15 to 21.
there are people that used to be a head shorter than me that now are a head taller than me, those who got the growth spurt later.

I know this dude who had always been shorter than me until 18 then he suddenly grow a head taller in a year time.

I’m over 15. I’m asking because I want to know if my brother will grow any taller. I can’t really remember myself if I grew after that age.

I was 6’ and end up being 6’3”

It would take you like a second to google this you sperg

"Most boys will stop growing taller by age 16 and will usually have developed fully by 18."

Was around 5'10 at 15. Grew to 6'2 over the next few years

I was 170cm at 15 I think. Not sure what that is in feet and inches.

5'7" at 15
turning 20 next week and i'm 5'8" now (probably 5'8.5" but i round down)
i was 5'6" when i was 12 so i just had an early growth spurt and grew slowly since then

however tall you are, you're likely to grow until 25 i believe
no stress user

The epiphyseal plates seal at around 22, so dont start worrying just yet underage

I know her name just by looking at her ass
quarantine was a mistake

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tl;dr. post a source or fuck off.

Nope, depends on when you hit puberty.

based crystal lust coomer

wouldn't you say your lack of self respect is more of a mistake than any external factors?

>liking that fat mess of a body
Pull yourself together mate

>wouldn't you say your lack of self respect is more of a mistake than any external factors?

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crystal lust on pornhub
get to crankin boss

>you're likely to grow until 25


fuck up and let me have my last bit of hope ya fuck lmao

maybe, I fapped like once every week before, now its almost daily because I have nothing to do. Stuck at home, have to work from home, basically infront of the computer 24 hours


5'5 or so

How tall are you now?

I was around 180cm, now I'm 21 and 186cm

In high school I distinctly remember having a weird moment of clarity looking around and realizing I was one of the tallest guys in my grade

and whose fault is that?

i was 180 cm

that I'm home 24/7 and sitting infront of the computer, prbly bc of this covid-19 thing that is going on atm, don't know if you heard about it
that I'm fapping almost daily bc theres nothing to do, prbly my own

so you have infinite possibilities in front of you (the internet) from creating music, art, writing, reading, socialising, learning, programming, but theres nothing to do? im not following

I was the shortest motherfucker on my class when I was 15. That really bothered me because before that I was pretty average. Went to a based endocrinologist that measured my bone age trough wrist XRay (which was 2 years delayed) and estimated my future height between 1.80 and 1.86. I’m 25 and 1.83. Based doc.