Is this shit legit?

Thinking about doing this instead of mewing.

Legit or a dogshit scam? What's the verdict Yas Forums?

Attached: poo.gif (493x493, 187.88K)

Apparently they fuck your jaws up and its really controversial. Dont feel like looking it up but thats what everyone crys about when I see that shit.
Just embrace your beta jawline.

i wouldnt buy it in a bazillion years

Scam. Retarded as fuck and teaches poor chewing patterns.

Buy mastic gum.

Put a pencil in your mouth as deep as you can for a few minutes just like pic related and bite on it as hard as you can. The result? Your jaw will automatically come forward, mewing won't even be uncomfortable, try it, I really don't know why more people don't know about this

Attached: Pencil-in-Mouth.jpg (320x226, 17.75K)

Drs apparantly says that it fucks up your joints in the jaw, so it's probably not that good. Will probably be better to just chew your food a bit extra

i have a chad-tier jawline you fuckhead
just need to get to gigachad levels
sounds like a really good way to fuck your teeth

One critique I heard said it fucks up your jaw by making your front teeth handle more than they're supposed to. You'd probably be better off with some tough chewing gum designed for this, at least it allows proper use of back teeth

May Gigious Chadious bless you and your jawline.

>someone tells you to eat lead and you literally do it

No problem, will post a video of me doing it and it's immediate results

There is no lead in pencils retard

hurry up cunt

im waiting with my pencils

>Legit or a dogshit scam? What's the verdict Yas Forums?
>a blue ball in your mouth will change your already grown bone structure

If you want to exercise your jaw muscles the thing you bite should be as far back in your mouth as possible.
When you bite with your front teeth you maximize the load on your tempiromandibular joint.

Even bad habits such as biting pencils or chewing gum with your front teeth can give you TMD, and that is a small load compared to what is seen in the op (at least seems to be).

I have no experience with the product but as a dental student at a university with a retardedly high focus on TMD, that product is designed completely wrong and puts maximum stress on your joint.

Pic of what i meant, shows a class 3 lever, which fucks up your joint.

The further to the front you bite the more you load your joint

Attached: Mandible-as-Class-III-lever-Figure-3-Picture-showing-glenoid-fossa-as-a-fragile-structure.png (412x325, 98.05K)

looks l ike a ballgag so it turns me on when women use it.

I’ve just accepted my shit jawline. Still get laid, but all the girls that are into me keep calling me babyface and little boy. Meh, gotta work with what I got. One time a girl said I was the hottest guy in my friend group because I look like an innocent boy but my smile “makes it seem like you’re hiding something evil, like you want to choke me then fuck me in the ass”.

What do? 24 that looks 16.

She give instruction.
Choke then fuck in ass.

Bdsm looks different these days.

I bet you answered with thanks y-you too

>what do?
Choke her and fuck her in the ass, dumbfuck

Too much heavy jaw work can cause TMD/TMJ. Hurts. I got it from grinding my teeth at night.

This toy is retarded. You get strong jaw muscles from chewing. Eat healthy, natural food. Meat and veggies require actual chewing, unlike processed carb slurpee cake shit.

I think general athletics helps too. By cutting back on face fat and perhaps very, very indirectly training face and jaw isometrically for stabilization. Idk.

>instead of mewing
what do you think mewing is

I pulled an ok.jpg because my gf was in the same room as us chatting with her friends. Not about to go sneak into a closet to cover my dick with roastie shit. Now, if I was single I would obliterate.

it's graphite now retard

TMJ waiting to happen. Just mew, it's free and actually cements good oral posture.

Check reviews on amazon, lots of people say that this thing fuck your teeth up

Chewing mastic gum is a better way to go about it.
It is my belief that chewing the gum, along with good oral posture, will improve your aesthetic and your oral health.

I use this EAMA stuff. One piece to start with. Chew for 10 minutes one side, the ten minutes the other. Keep the same tempo both sides.
Over time I built up to 4 sets of 10 each side (so 80 mins total) and then I added another piece and so on.
Now I chew 4 pieces, 4x10 minute sets each side, three times a week.


I jumped straight in at 4 pieces for 40 minutes a side the very first time I did it and I couldn't chew anything without stabbing pain in my left jaw for a couple of days afterwards.
Start slow, work your way up, take rest days, just like lifting weights.

Gonna give my kid mastic gum from childhood

Of course it does. Do you normally chew with your front teeth?