Question about/for swimmers

Question about/for swimmers.

How much of their physique is simply swimming and how much is gym based exercise and what sort of routine/equipment do they/you use?

Swimmers are always lean so is there something to be said that heavy weightlifting is counterproductive to being a good swimmer?I

Genuinely interested.

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its literally all swimming, competitive swimmers swim for like 6 hours a day.

Swimmers don't even touch weights dude.

They do a lot of core stuff, but besides that they just swim a lot. A lot. 2 hours a day is basic. Yes weightlifting is counter productive to being a good swimmer, any time you're not in the pool is a waste of time if you're trying to be good. Your large muscles don't add anything besides weight, and probably do more to just make you heavy and awkward in the water. You should still swim though, its a lot of fun.

Look at their legs lmao.

oh im lookin

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well yeah, swimming is mostly upper body, core, and form

They don't body build you fucking retard, actual athletes don't have grotesque T-rex legs.

that's what good looking legs with normal proportions look like to the average person

>the hip bones on the girl on the right

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Competitive swimmers have better bods than almost all who lift.

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We are not average, we are fitness freaks that want to be the biggest/strongest/most shredded pick one guys around, not some twinks with a 6 pack from not eating, normalfags get out

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yea but that is because of genetics. Top swimmers have a huge frame with very broad shoulders. If you take somebody like me and put them through the same workout schedule as a college swimmer, I will look nothing like them.

this. A lot of you faggots fail to realize that an extremely wide variety of sports and activities can yield a sculpted muscular body. The defining factor is intensity and frequency of training.


>what sort of routine/equipment do they/you use?
For swimming I use water and I swim in it. For lifting weights I use weights and I lift them.

Is this a joke? He is literally low %bf, thats all

This, this is a board for people lifting fucking weights, there is a reason they recommend starting strength in the sticky and not some cardio bullshit

you really think that if you put Michael Cera through 2 years of swimming training that he will come out looking like Michael Phelps? He will have larger Lats, Delts, and maybe a little less bodyfat. That's it.

Yeah right.

They look like normal people with a bit wider shoulders, god what the fuck happend to Yas Forums, some years ago we looked at crazy fuckers like pic related for inspiration now its some fucking sticks who dont even lift

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water polo bod is my goal bod

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>How much of their physique is simply swimming and how much is gym based exercise and what sort of routine/equipment do they/you use?
Pro athletes don't lift nearly as much or often as the layman thinks. And if they do, you wouldn't even recognize the exercises (speed bench press in shot put or quarter squat jumps for javelin and such things).

>we are fitness freaks that want to be the biggest/strongest/most shredded pick one guys around, not some twinks with a 6 pack from not eating, normalfags get out

You can't even do bodyweight dips without hurting yourself.

Well you cant even bench lmao 2pl8s without decapitating yourself

4 hours*
Also, they're at the gym 3-4 times per week as well. Tbh, the reason Olympic swimmers are built like that is probably genetics - they're the best of the best. At lower levels, where they train pretty much the same, you get a very wide variety of body types.

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strong cope

Your faggotbuilder/powershitter legs disgust me

Hit a squat twink

if you'd rather have rich's body than any of the guy in the pic you are legit mentally ill

I miss him everyday

If you start young it will encourage your skeleton to have wider shoulders, but yeah it’s too late for you as an adult.