Just a reminder bros that even if you don't think your going bald, you are

Just a reminder bros that even if you don't think your going bald, you are

Attached: fbsnflsfn.png (422x509, 256.11K)

I ordered 50 of pic related when do I get dates

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pls stop getting this haircut

You ordered 500 pieces of Tupperware?

Learn how to do math lol. Also,

You're not very smart are you bro?

unironically hes right

He would look better with buzzcut desu, this haircut is ridiculous

Goodlife Burnaby? Heh...

Attached: EFSLlryG_400x400.jpg (400x400, 23.01K)

The fucks that hair cut

At what age does it stop mattering?

I'm turning 33 this year, haven't lost any hair yet. But even if I did lose hair, does it even matter at this age now?

I can see it being important in your 20s, but 30+? eh.

33 also. Started losing it at 30. Ruined my confidence and now my doesn't work.

nigga are you planning to meal prep for two years

Hair is only important in your early 20s and if you're jawlet with weird skull


Losing hair is one of the biggest causes for male mental health deterioration, it destroys your self image and self esteem, as well as completely change the way you look, dropping you down anywhere from 2 to 4 points depending on how good you face and skull looked, if I could choose between ending cancer or ending mpb, I'd choose the latter, fuck balding, it's not fair bros.

Attached: bwhair.jpg (889x571, 95.76K)

he looks really weird with hair

Why not just say
>When you are dead you will be bald
About as prophetic.

No hair at worst bring you down 1 point. There are more important things for male aesthetics than hair. Also you've no sense of scale, The difference between 6 and 7 for example (1 point difference) is big in how you stand against other men.

He doesn't look better. Hairfags have deformed and extremely biased mind desu, anyone without hair for them is a mutant.

Because you're not used to it, but he looks way better on the right and anything else is cope

Delusional baldfag

I'm not bald you're just very biased and make no sense

Is obsession with eye color, hair, height and wrists come in the same package? Sometimes i feel like those are the same people, only respond "cope" and act like delusional women.

>No i tell you what to find attractive!

Seething. Delete this thread already

Post hairline.

You can like bald men, but the majority of women don't.

>Not a bald fag.
>Still states his opinion.
Let me guess, you don't go to the gym but you still feel comfortable giving others advice and calling them dyel.

Attached: alwaysbetterwithhair.png (1240x700, 1.52M)

The majority of women don't like ugly bald men. Ugly bald=Ugly with hair in 99% of the cases.

Left looks way better. Right looks like a douchey Instagram model.

Pretty man with hair > pretty bald man


If you're a man I truly hope you never lose your hair, if you're a roastie I wish all other females had the same weird views you do.

Hell, I like my women with thick flowing hair.

Attached: hairvsnohair.jpg (1280x720, 169.19K)

You have to constantly be purchasing plates. How many plates do you need? More. More plates, more dates. The constant cash flow out of your wallet invested into dishes is a signal of wealth (to purchase them all), status (it's logical to assume that a man purchasing this many plates must be serving many people, meaning he's well-connected with a large social circle) and culinary skill (what girl doesn't want a man who can cook?). It's biological. It's evolution. It's the key to mating. More plates = more dates, simple as