Are kettlebells a meme?

Attached: kettlebell.jpg (1280x853, 82.12K)

No. You can use them for meme purposes like bodybuilding but in general they are not.

No, they're more of a low attention span workout. Stills works

You’re a meme.

been working out with a 24kg kettlebell. It's pretty great. Builds endurance and strength. The early guys like arthur saxon did kettlebell work. Check out the guy from "swing this kettlebell". That dude is pretty yoked.

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No. If you are looking to build a lot of overall strength up they are. But they are far from useless. They come in different weights and if you can't find a way to use some kind if weight with a nice handle on it to build something on your body up you have no clue what you are doing.

Overhead pressing with a barbell, and even dumbbells to some degree, hurt my shoulders. But for whatever reason kettlebells don't, but i also don't get the same pump with them either. Are they good for getting big shoulders? I feel like they primarily work my stabilizers but i could be wrong.

Probably because of hand/shoulder capsule position. If you keep your palms facing each other while pressing, the torque on your shoulders, tendons, etc is much less than with a normal OHP with a barbell.
Palms facing is similar to a log press.
>t. scar tissue

how do I do kettlebell swings without hitting my balls

Dumbbells are better. A kettlebell won't roll out of your hand like a dumbbell, so it doesn't tax your grip as much.

Try swinging and cleaning a 32 or 40 kg iron cast bell, and tell me that doesn't work your grip.

Pull your arms apart?

A dumbbell would work your grip more.

They are the single best workout method for better health.

bend your knees slightly, move your hips back

Kettlebells work many more muscles than a dumbell.

How much will my progress be hurt doing kettlebell swings instead of deadlifts?

How is this different ?

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What's your goal?

To deadlift 800lbs? It will hurt your progress

Strengthen back and build explosive capabilities that have crossover to other sports?

Would probably help there.

For "building mass"? They're not the best. They are a very good tool for learning explosiveness, though.

If you're looking to build shoulders with them, don't just press. They're also loads of fun to press push with. And kettlebell halos will help, too.

How many more? Which ones?

Weight distribution

I bought a 28kg bell for quarantine workouts and it's great for swings, goblet squats, floor presses etc. but I should have gotten a lighter one too for cleans, snatches etc. 28kg is way too much for me to learn a proper technique without hurting myself.

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buy another

It's 10x more dangerous and the weight is not evenly balanced.


You have no idea what you're talking about.


How is it dangerous?

I can't find anywhere to buy a kettlebell, and I'd need like a 8kg one and a 16kg one since I've basically no muscle.

>Hurr durr, I just train with a kettlebell the exact same way as with normal weights
Your retarded ass would let it fly. What you're not getting is that you don't use kettlebells in a basic set x rep scheme, then move up in weight. What you should be doing is a pyramid (1 rep right hand, 1 rep left hand, 2 reps right hand, 2 reps left hand, etc.) with no rest until you finish, then rest and move on to the next exercise. Exercises should include basic swings, cleans, clean and jerks, snatches, halos and Russian get ups. Add presses, farmer walks, lunges, squats, curls and tricep extensions as you like. You start at a 1-5 pyramid, within an alloted time frame, and if you manage, you go for a 2-6 pyramid, and so on until you manage a 5-10 pyramid. Then you up the weight by 4kg and start over. The weight you will be using will be far lower than when just using bars, but you're spending more time under pressure. You can sit there and whine and mewl about getting better grip training out of a dumbbell, but it's not gonna do you a lot of good since these exercises take so long, your grip will fail.
Swings are also only a warm up.
If you want to do similar exercises with weights, just go to /OWG/

>Add presses, farmer walks, lunges, squats, curls and tricep extensions as you like.
literally dumbbells lol

Thick as a board, ain'tcha? Baka ass motherfucker

shut the fuck up weeb