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>NY still closed to May 15

Lol have fun with that, I'll keep working out at home.

How long is phase one?

You think nig-nogs are gonna follow "sanitation protocols"? 90% of my gym doesn't even rerack their weights, let alone wipe down anything.

It sucks DICK dude. I legitimately thought Cuomo was gonna start opening shit back up. Nope. Fuuuuuuuck

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Inb4 all the gymfags rush to the newly reopened gyms and get the Chinese virus anyways lmao.

I'll be at the homegym, Where I don't have to tip lmao. Get fucked gymfags.

how fucking vague is that statement?

Are they only going to let X amount of people in?

>tfw get to be the first one on the bench after two months

I’ve kept most my gainz thanks to dumbbells and p90x. Let’s fucking go!

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Please post body so we can all laugh

Big if true

>not tipping the maid for wiping down your equipment
you're a faggot

I want to believe


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OP I was afraid of getting MRSA before, you think I'm ever going to gym after this?

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>tfw tomorrow the governor of texas will detail his plan to reopen the texas economy
>tfw cucked bitch states don't know this feel
>tfw government worshiping retards will be shrieking and shitting their pants as a result of texan superiority


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>he didnt fork out the money for a squat rack, bar and plates
>he didnt make the long term investment in his health and mental well being and save money on gym memberships
>he likes being shut out of gyms, and possibly in the future
>he wants to wait for equipment

I understand fully the Joy's of home gym master race. It's the only way to go

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I compulsively clapped my hands and yelled “DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS”
Now everyone at work is looking at me weird. Fuck you, user.

looks like ur mum is back open for business in phase 1 lmao

>Texas acting big
You're a 10th the size of Alaska and both of your football teams bite ass.

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>everyone at work
nigga what

opinion discarded

t. jealous shrieking retard showing up to shit his pants thanks to texan superiority. you come off as one of those appalachian subhumans who takes turns getting raped by their country bumpkin uncles.

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based builtfat poster


Heaven forbid your governing body responsibly handle a fucking pandemic

Note the fragile ego of a Texan. As soon as he's reminded that he's just another hick, all thought processes shut down in an effort to defend from the realization that no one cares that it takes 12 hours to drive across his state, mostly full of nothing. He then stamps his feet and inelegantly lashes out at his intellectual superiors.

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I've been keeping up with that same news, fellow Texas-user.

Just think - the gyms might reopen TOMORROW. Yeah yeah yeah, I know its unlikely, but we're not cucked like Flu York. And our state government waited pretty long to issue any restrictions and what not.

The governor wants everything back to normal pronto. I'm expecting just Dallas to have a few mild restrictions, while everything else reopens on like May 1.

Im from the northeast, not Texas

why do i have a feeling that you're from some hick state and you're just projecting your hang ups about that onto someone else? what state are you from?

I’m in the medical field. We’re on 24/7


>living in a neighborhood that has nigs in it
lmaoing at your life

Now is the best time to go to the gym once it opens, a lot of horny gym thots looking to fuck just about any guy that is decent looking and kinda fit. Get out there and just get laid kings, autism or not these girls have been denied dicks for an entire month

>both of your football teams bite ass
The Texans make it to the playoffs every year... they just manage to get knocked out in the first round

Both the Dallas Renegades and Houston Roughnecks had impressive seasons.

Dallas and Houston ought to have slightly more restrictions, considering DFW and IAH are both major airline hubs, but San Antonio and Austin are both over the hump as far as the worst of it. Of course Mayors (((Adler))) and (((Nirnberg))) might raise a fit. San Antonio has been citing every Planet K in town for refusing to shut down.

why wouldn't these thots just use Tinder and meet up with Chad?

This is not a buttmad Texan. This is Hank, a buttmad Asian.


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You’re welcome in it any time you want, user.

>San Antonio has been citing every Planet K in town for refusing to shut down.
Aren't those gas stations?

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Based Mini Brock Lesnar